713. "in a land of myth and a time of magic . . ."

Jan 31, 2011 00:11

I just wanted to make a quick post and say that I finally updated my userinfo. I'm not 100% satisfied with it because all the columns don't line up length-wise, but it will have to do for now. I've already written and rewritten each section several times as it is. It matches up a lot closer now than it did when I put in the code after writing out the sections the first time.

My next big LJ project is to actually fill all the spaces I have for icons. I've got like 100 free slots, and I just haven't taken the time to choose all the icons I want to upload and use. I know that I need to search for some good Merlin icons, because I've just started in on the second series and damn do I love that show. Anyone got any Merlin icon community suggestions for me?

Also, I'm starting to use tags again. I haven't decided if I'll go back and tag all my old entries because that would be a huge, daunting task, but I might. We'll see. (I keep wanting to use #hashtags, like on Twitter. LJ doesn't work that way. Silly me.)

Yeah, big exciting entry here. But at least I've got the userinfo updated. Last time I'd done that was probably early 2009? I don't know. Ah well.

merlin, icons, lj revamping

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