I was totally not expecting this today! Just when I had resigned myself to waiting until after christmas for her to arrive, Prunella made her entrance today! I am used to looking for the shipping notice from pullip style...so it was a sneak attack!
She's amazing, and I am so glad I preordered her. Her stock is rediculously intricate and detailed - and there are so many pieces to it! (I'll take pics later) Her face-up is exactly how I hoped, and her eyes aren't as bad as I feared. I may end up re-chipping her, but not for a while.
Anyways, here's my first quick photoshoot with Absinthe Jinx - Jinx for short. :)
Ruffles galore!
zee lips
zee eye
spider earring!
More later...but now I must get back to wrapping presents!
Merry Christmas everyone! :)