Dec 31, 2010 14:38
For 2010:
-Study a lot, not being lazy and attend most of my classes
-Swimming - Spinning, aerobics (exercise in general)
-Healthy food
-New friends
-Read at least 20 books
-Cosplay. Actually this is something I never thought I'd ever do but one of my friends loves cosplay and we have this in mind: cosplay, all the Mario Bros. crew. I'll be Daisy, lol.
-Loose at least 5 kgs. - Done! But will set another mark, lose at least 10 kgs!
-Start a photo album.
-Do some paintings (drawings)
-Learn to knit
-Keep my dreads
-Go to a concert
-Decorate our apartment
-Less 4chan more homework
-Be more patient with my mom
-Saving money
-Buy a new camera
-Don't fail any class
-Learn C++ succesfully - this won't be useful anymore.
Edit: Added some stuff to the list and the ones underlined are those in process the ones crossed are those I've accomplished.
Edit2: Well, out of all the things I listed I manged to accomplish more than I thought. The first three I just couldn't because my career plans changed (again) then, the cosplay one, well, I'll pospone it 'til I loose a huge amount of weight, so the 10 kgs part, well, that can't be made for December 31st so, that will be part of my 2011 list. I couldn't keep my dreads, they were full of dandruff ugh but I'll wait for my scalp to heal so I can have them again and hopefully keep them for years this time. Decorate my appartment, well, I moved out and I'm with my parents now, in my city, with new plans so that won't be necessary anymore. Don't fail any class and C++ well,, I dropped out so... hahaha.