“What If”
~Chose 10as many people as you want from your f-list
~Say what one activity you would do with each person you picked if you could do anything
~The people you picked are now tagged to do this meme too! Fuck that.
annalol: Something awful like snort cocaine or graffiti buildings. I don't know.
baibai: Get take out pizza & vodka and watch shitty porn together for laughs.
bangflip: Watch comedy chick flicks and prank call chinese take out places.
barreled: Play survival video games with you.
candlejack: Smoke a blunt and go clubbing through Portu
chainsaws: Go to an amusement park
childofmars: Go comic book shopping >:o
dethroned_king: Get 100% totally and completely shitfaced with you. I don't care what the consequences are.
doublekill: I'd want to go to an outdoor concert or travel to some remote part of the world and do charity work or something.
drowningsarah: I would just want to hang out and talk with you, get to know you better.
eamanenolatari: Ding dong ditch Anna and Liz and Lauren's houses. LMFAO
eklutna: Hang out in Chinatown in San Fran with you.
elwhyenen: RUN AROUND BALTIMORE OR NYC CAUSING CHAOS and i want to make pork buns with you
faggoty: I'd probably take you out for a beer, or watch action movies with you.
fairyblue: I'd take you out to brunch or go shopping for anime junk.
fullmetal_tora: GO TO AN ANIME CON TOGETHER i'll get you to otakon or me to anime expo even if it kills me
gisaeng: Go shopping with you in Cali.
gollygee: Take me to a gay bar with you. I'm dead serious.
gunfuck: SHOPPINGSHOPPINGSHOPPING preferably through newberry street in boston or in nyc.
hihos: Go dumpster diving with you.
huffles: I'd watch Code Geass R2 with you, just to make fun of it. and I won't do it online i refuse to download it.
iguana: Idk... go get ice cream?
immortal_teacup: molest you. oh wait i do that all the time hm.
landcow: Beat up those chicks who always seem to be giving you shit.
liizziioo: Burn math and science books in the woods and summon the gods of the earth to let us graduate college without us having to do homework ever again.
makiabre: Read hideous guro doujins, bond over being retarded.
noelleno: Marathon disney movies for 24 hours and share a gallon of strawberry ice cream.
pinktextman: Play video games of all kinds until our fingers fall off
puzzely: Marathon all of the One Piece movies and watch Gintama together.
siofrafiore: Recipe swap and do cooking shit like all day. IDC how gay that sounds.
squareorange: Hang out and get to know you better. Watch some Princess Tutu.
streetrat: Run around whatever part of the UK you live in and cause general havoc.
sunday: Explore Sweden with you, or you could show me around or something
superflavor: Go to one of those cool finnish saunas with you
thatdamneddame: tasty fest :D.........
tsarevich: Eat kiwis so I can call you a cannibal
uryuunotme: Get milkshakes at Johnny Rocket's and then shop on South Street
uzis: Break people's eardrums on your radio show
vana_alqua: Sip tea and adjust our monocles as we silently judge Anna and Liz
xx_affliction: rape-- I mean hang out with like go see a movie and gossip and shit.
yep. That's about it! I had to leave the house today to go grocery shopping, which I hate. And my Regina Spektor tickets came in the mail. Oh and I played 3 hours of Earthbound. So fun.
Yeah, I have a boring ass life this summer. I'll just do memes to pretend like I'm a decent person.