yohohoho, yohohoho

Sep 11, 2010 20:16

Life update!!

►Did some volunteer work today for an old lady whose daughter & two grandkids live with her. We painted her living room and kitchen. There were five of us plus one guy who was from the charity program and it was actually a lot of fun. The woman made us sandwiches and had little cakes and melons for us to eat for lunch I was so grateful ;_; she told us how much it meant to her to have someone finally do this and that she would never forget us and could stop by her place anytime and I was like AHHHHHHHH YOU'RE TOO KIND ;;;A;;;

►Still can't ride a bike. oops.

►Made about 180 some one piece icons. I'm soooooooo cool.

►The FMA Gaiden chapter was adorable. You're too cute Al. I hope she does a few more for Ling&Ranfan and Roy/Riza/alla those guys.

►I'm mad behind in tags *screams* i feel really bad but i'm either busy or tired lfmao :( hopefully tomorrow I can get to them.

►I have so much HW already and I need to get books *screams!*

►I made cheesy garlic mashed potatoes with caramelized onions and chicken for dinner! great success!

►tonight me & some friends are going to go bar-hopping around centraal i'm pumped.

►Amsterdam is still so fucking awesome. OBVS CLASSES ARE KICKING MY ASS ALREADY LMFAO but otherwise I can't even care. Everything is beautiful in this city. Even the prostitutes. And the weed. Especially the weed.

amsterdam, icons, fuck this game, food, good times, fma, work, fun day out, :')

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