Children are you learnin? Climatize but don't you lose the plot

Jun 23, 2010 06:54

ggggggg man I feel like I haven't made a real post in forever *shoves pictures and fst to the side*

The past three days I've woken up between 5:3o-6:3o in the morning of my own free will. No alarms, just waking up with the sun like it was just no thing. It's weird to be doing that again, I haven't done it since I was a freshman or sophomore in high school. In a way I miss it, cause it makes the day feel longer and more productive. On the other hand, last night I didn't go to bed till 1am so idk what the fuck my body is doing to itself.

Work is alright. I do a lot of paper work and organizing the companies 900+ research notebooks on the side. I don't mind doing the paperwork, or even the menial lab work like putting caps on test tubs or setting up basic dental experiments. What kills me are those fucking notebooks. The handwriting in most of them is shitty, and a lot of them are really poorly organized. I just lug them around all day, sit in my desk which is in a lab in the back of the building no one uses, and work. It's so weird LMFAO. Although I got my first paycheck already, and it was nearly 300$ so it's not so bad. I get paid every two weeks though, and that time i only worked one week so my future paychecks are gonna be so fat. I also got a bunch of money from working at bryn mawr reunion weekend aw yeah 8)

I've been following the world cup like a beast this year, and I'm going to try to follow football for real now. It should be easy in the fall anyway when I'm living in the Netherlands. *buys an orange kit*
LMAO TBH I'M SO GLAD FRANCE DIDN'T MAKE IT JUST FUCK THEM! I wish South Africa did though that would have been great. But Uruguay and Mexico are cool so it's good. S.Korea and Argentina moving on is pretty cool too, I guess. I don't really care about them.

I hate not being able to watch the games like I could in Greece though. The computer I have at work is so slow and it only has an old version of Internet Explorer, which after using firefox for so long is awful, mainly cause you can't have tabs. But I'm really rooting for the USA this year, which is weird for me?? I really didn't like them that much at the beginning of the tournament. It'll be so funny to me if France AND the UK don't make it though. It'll make the final 16 from bizarro world.

um um. what else. I could rant about shonen jump series but there's not much to say? Bleach is still being weird, even though now it's at least pretending to make sense. Naruto is still good, although this whole thing with his mum is confusing me. Hajime no Ippo is getting exciting now that the Woli fight is done and the series is shifting focus to Itagaki, Kimura, and Aoki. One Piece is great but on hiatus again *grabby hands at*. Bakuman and Beelzebub are as crazy as ever, and I'm dreading the start of next month when FMA:Brotherhood comes to an end. I've already lost the manga and this will just kill me I can feel it. LMAO I KNOW I SOUND FUCKING RETARDED WHEN IT COMES TO FMA but god guys
it's over.
breaka-s my heaaaaaaaaaart

at least the Sengoku Basara anime starts after it ends LMAO. Although I don't know if I'll love it as much as FMA.... then again that's not a fair comparison at all is it.

uhhhhhhh I think that's it. Tonight me and my brother might go see Toy Story 3 and I'm so excited!! When I saw the trailer ages ago I nearly died cause when I watched Toy Story as an innocent 5/6 year old I was like "YEAH MY TOYS COME TO LIFE AND I'M GOING TO LOVE THEM FOREVER!!!!" just like Andy in the first film & now I'll still be like him in TS3 cause he's in college neglecting his toys. SO CRAZYYYYYYY.

work, life, fandom, movies, big men playing with balls, work but not really, blah blah blah

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