Hold on, I'm getting there!

Aug 26, 2012 15:10

Ok, so why have a live journal if you don't journal.

I'm sublimely lazy about journaling in my journal. I get afraid that what I might say will get back to my work and I could get called in for it. Then, I think, there's nothing going on that much in my mind that's that controversial.

I have an alias for posting on pages like CNN, and Yahoo. I have two Facebook pages, one MySpace and a plethora of others that I joined for one purpose that's totally over now. I got lots of stuff in my brain, including the getting older and wiser thing, but like the tide, it rolls in and out.

I keep thinking that once I had an exciting life. I was involved in things! I was going to conventions and having a good time! Going out and dancing, dancing, dancing! Now, when I think about it, it makes me tired.

I can retire from my job in 6 years. Course, I can't AFFORD to retire from anything right now. And what's with all of the sudden aches and pains? I tell ya there's no such thing as growing old gracefully. There's only a series of pokings, proddings, tests, pills and indignities that you just have to suffer through.

If I can get enough energy together, I might write a book about it...Probably after a good nap. ^_~

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