Nov 16, 2010 02:28
I'm going to bed soon, but I just wanted to do a quick update.
Yesterday I went to Orlando and met up with my friend Kristi. Unfortunately I spent like, $50s there on food and clothes so I'm super-poor now. T-T
I had a really good time, though.
Today I worked at GameStop from 3-9. It was actually a fairly good day. I got a subscription, and got some reserves so it was satisfying. ^-^
Unfortunately, tomorrow/Tuesday I HAVE to CRAM Logarithms before my quiz tonight. I have like, HALF the section assigned for homework. T-T (And I didn't understand ANY of it in class....)
Wendy's FUCKED ME over AGAIN. Besides LAST WEEK'S fiasco of her "forgetting" to put me on the schedule, THIS week, she only put me on for ONE day.
So I have a total of 5 1/2 hours from Wendy's this week.
So far nothing has been granted off my Christmas Wish List.
-Still at Wendy's. My car has like over 9,000 things that need to be done to it, but with 5 hours at Wendy's, and 6 at GameStop, nothing's going to be done ANY time soon.
Maybe with my tax refund.
All I can do is hope and pray that I get a new job. -One that I can actually pay the rent with, and have money left over so that I can get my car maintenance done on it. T-T
I feel so frustrated and hopeless.
Going to bed now.