I haven't really updated in a long time. D: So, in case anyone's interested... here you go!
My birthday's come and gone, and it was mostly fun. I had a dinner with my friends on the 6th, since I was going to be in Boulder on my actual birthday. Everyone seemed to have a good time. :D Gerardo, Nic, Shannon, Kira, Jackie and myself ended up staying until Old C's closed because we were having fun talking to each other.
I went to see Regina Spektor with my sister on my birthday, and that was mostly fun. We did get into a fight early on in the night, however, and that made everything after that kind of awkward. It was over the stupidest thing, too, but... oh well.
School-wise. I ended up dropping Astronomy, since I couldn't learn anything from my online class. Which means I'm not graduating this semester. Instead, I'm going to take Meteorology and graduate in the spring (hopefully). Now we're on Thanksgiving break, which will be incredibly welcome.
I got Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles on Wednesday, but couldn't start playing it until Thursday night. I'm really happy that they were able to get back a lot of the actors to play their characters again, especially Leon's and Claire's. I mean, Alyson is the only one to have played Claire in English, so it would have been awkward to hear anyone else. I beat it last night, so now I'm going through and trying to find all of the files I missed the first time around.
Supernatural is going to kill me. :| No new episodes until January 21st? Augh! This last one ended so memorably, too. I don't know what I'm going to do if the CW does end up renewing it for a sixth season. Where can they possibly go from what's been going on in season five?
Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance." I can't stop listening to it. :|
Okay, I think that's everything. And have a meme, courtesy of
hyper_amychao! :D
-Closest red thing to you? A blanket thrown over the side of the couch.
-Last thing that made me angry? Shannon's mother. xD
-Do you have a temper? I do, but it takes a veeeery long time for it to show itself.
-Last warning you were given? Ummm... I don't remember! I'm a good girl, so I don't get many warnings... 8D
-Ever been in love? No. I thought I was once, but....
-Are you a fan of romance? I am, actually.
-Closest orange thing to you? An empty box of kitty litter. xD
-Do you like to burn things? Yes! Especially candles.
-Dress up for Halloween? Not this year.
-Are you usually a warm-hearted person? Usually!
-Do you have anything against ginger hair? No.
-Are you usually full of energy? It's more subdued energy.
-Closest yellow thing to you? A receipt copy.
-The happiest time of your life? I can't pick.
-Happiest memory over others? Again, I can't pick.
-Favourite holiday? Halloween.
-What makes you smile? My friends, work, being able to sleep in, Supernatural, my video games and movies.
-Are you a coward? Probably. I'd like to think I'm not, but I don't think I'm as brave as I like to think I am.
-Do you burn or tan? Burn first, but it turns into a tan.
-Closest green thing to you? An N64 controller.
-Do you care about the environment? Yes.
-Are you jealous of anyone right now? Not really.
-Are you a lucky person? Absolutely not.
-Do you always want what you can't have? Depends on what it is.
-Do you like being outdoors? To an extent.
-Closest blue thing to you? My Darkside Chronicles game box. 8D
-Are you good at calming people down? I used to be, but I don't think I am anymore. In fact, I think I just make people madder. xD
-Do you like the sea? I love it!
-Last thing that made you cry? It's been so long, I can't remember.
-Are you a logical thinker? Yes.
-Can you sleep easily? When I actually fall asleep, yes.
-Closest purple thing to you? My binder for Comparative Religions.
-Like being treated to expensive things? Of course!
-Do you like mysterious things? Absolutely.
-Favourite type of chocolate? White.
-Ever met anyone in royalty? No.
-Are you creative? Not really.
-Closest pink thing to you? Shuichi's hair and (possibly) outfit from the Gravitation wallscroll we have in the living room.
-Are you gay/bisexual? No.
-Do you like sweet foods? Oh yes. More than I should.
-Are you sensitive? Yep.
-Do you like punk music? Definitely!
-Closest white thing to you? A Wiimote. xD
-Would you say you're innocent? Yeah, I'd say so.
-Always try to keep the peace? Yes.
-How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one? Ummm... I haven't really thought about it.
-Do you like to play in the snow? To an extent.
-Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists? I am. I hate the dentist. :|
-Closest black thing to you? My PS2.
-Ever enjoy hurting people? No. I feel guilty if I do.
-Are you sophisticated or silly? Depends on the company. xD Sophisticated in some circles, but very silly in others.
-Afraid of death? Yeah.
-Would you like to go to space? If I get the chance, sure!
-Do you have a lot of secrets? More than people assume, I think.
As the day draws to a close...:
-What is your favourite colour? Blue. Or purple. Or black. Or white. Or red. Or...
-Does the colour you wear affect your mood? Not really. I just pick what looks good together.
-What colour are your bedroom walls? White.
-You prefer contrasting or harmonizing colours? Harmonizing.
-Do you like to paint? Yes!
-What colour do you think best symbolizes your personality? I'd say blue, because it's boring and I'm boring. xD