01. Reply to this post, tell me if you want to participate in the meme and I will pick six of your icons.
02. Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
03. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
04. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
I like to choose icons that I think are weird and/or amusing. xD And this one definitely amuses me. I love the idea of Satan owing someone a favor... and especially how this person asks Zeus for help. xD It's like "wtf?"
Again, this is another one that I find very amusing. Chibi George with a phone in his hand... even though you can't see the phone very well. I love his expression. xD And since I've really gotten into ParaKiss lately, I wanted an amusing icon from the show.
This is another icon that just amuses the hell out of me. xD And it's hard to pick an awesomely hilarious icon from a show like Gravitation; there are just too many to choose from. But I had to pick this one, since it reminds me of the time Shannon and I heard the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time!" song at Wal-Mart.
It seemed like
hyper_amychao picked all of my hilarious icons for me to talk about when she tagged me for this meme. xD But yeah, this is another icon that cracks me up. The quote is from a comedian named Mitch Hedburg, and he is just so hilarious (too bad he's dead...) He's known for pretty random quotes like this one. xD Another quote icon I have from him says "Every book is a children's book if the kid can read." So he talks about random stuff like that.
This is actually one of the oldest icons I have. I found a set of icons like this (from a Korean comic, I think...) a few weeks after I first got an LJ. The set has a flower egg, a police egg, a rainbow egg... but I like the bomb egg the best. xD
Once again, this is just an icon that amuses me. xD Since I've really gotten into the Vaizards lately (Risa and Kensei, especially), I've been wanting to find icons of Risa. And when I found this one, I just had to take it. I can honestly see her saying something like that. Go Risa. Breakfast of Champions. Yum.
So anyway! Diane, the lady that I do jobsharing with, is on vacation this week. Her son is graduating from boot camp in California, so I'm working a full week while she is gone. It hasn't been too bad yet! Monday was a pain, though, since I had no work at all to do. x_x The only bad thing about being at the front desk for that long is that I run out of stuff to do rather quickly, and I can't read a book or surf the internet. At least I had enough to do today (I even saved work for myself tomorrow).
And in other news, Tina broke down. xD; Again. Luckily, this is only the second time she's done that, so I really can't complain. It's not like with Foxxxy, who was breaking down every other day (or so it seemed). Tina's water pump is apparently broken, and my dad said that he could fix it. I am really scared as to what he can do to screw up my car, but I really don't have a choice. It's not like I have the money to take her to a mechanic. So I'll see what my dad does, and if he screws up royally, then I'll just have to find the money from somewhere.
I'm really liking Supernatural at the moment! It's by the same guys who did Miracles, so I can understand now why there are a lot of crossovers between the two shows. I just wish that Miracles had the chance to go into 3+ full seasons, instead of having only 13 episodes... but oh well. I saw the first eight episodes of the first season over the weekend, and I think I'm going to try and get the next few discs for the coming weekend.
I also saw Sex and the City last night. I think I'm way too cynical for that kind of movie. xD