Jul 02, 2003 03:26
1. i think nikkolaus should be _____.
2. nikkolaus is a ____ wookie.
3. one day nik will ____ and it will be ____.
4. tyler ____.
5. nikk should ____ before the wrath comes.
6. __________________________.
7. I think nikkolaus should _____ my ____.
8. nikks fav. friut is the ____.
9. nik hates ____.
10. if nikk was mean to me i would ____ him.
11. If i could do one think to/with nik i would _____ to/with him.
12. i hpoe one day nikk will ____.
13. 311 is ____.
14. sumtimes nik sucks because _____.
15. sumtimes nikkolaus doesnt suck because _____.
16. i want to ___ nik with a ____.
17. me and nik could be ____ together because _____
and _____ but not if ____ and _____ .... ______.
18. once upon a time nik ____ so i _____ him on the _____.