Apr 11, 2007 12:30
Wednesdays ares o nice and laze-filled. I slept until about 11, which means I skipped my first two classes. But it's not all that bad, cuz I mean, the professors just lecture straight out of books, so I can read them later on that week, or even later that weekend. But there are the days where I can just laze around and do nothing until my Astronomy class. Unfortunately for today, it's not the same as any other Wednesdays. I have my lesson today at 2 since he couldn't do it on Monday. And then I also have to study for my Sociology test that's tomorrow. So that means a whole bunch of reading.
I'm still counting down the days until we get out of school for the summer. And I can NOT fathom to wait any longer. I just want this school year to be over with. This smester's driving me to great lengths on insanity. Luckily, I get to register next week so I can take classes that I actually have a passion for, instead of something utterly retarded like... well, like most of my classes. The only classes keeping me alive as of current are my Psychology Seminar and Band. Oh, and Astronomy. But that's about it for the most part. The others are waste of my time. My tests don't even relate to the lectures in Sociology and then Philosophy is just boring as sin. Expand our own opinions my ass. We have to put down his opinion on tests.
But school aside, I found something I'm absolutely falling love with. Numerology is so interesting and sweeping my attention. Granted it has to do with numbers, but they actually make since. And it's nothing like Calculus. It actually relates to my life. Lol. I'm sorry, but that kinda math doesn't relate to my life so I really couldn't care less about it. But yeah. It's ighly interesting and I can't wait to learn more about it. Lol
This is what I do instead of study. XD