Holy crap.
If there's any school in the world to make you feel like a criminal, this is it.
I get here, normal time, and see all the buses held up. I was like 'Hell yes, school's cancelled', but then i saw students going in. I was like... ok they're delaying the homeroom.
So i walk up to the backdoor, and they're saying BOYS TO THE LEFT AND GIRLS TO THE RIGHT. I was like, 'maybe they just want more order going in', so I line up. When I get to the small entrance, I see there are effin METAL DETECTORS there, and they're checking us one by one. We take out our cells and IDs and go through the detector, one by one. And that's not the worst of it either.
So I walk through the detector, it beeps both times, they're convinced I have a knife or something. When we beep twice, we have to be STOPPED, PAT DOWN, and all the pockets in our bags examined. I am like WE ARE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, NOT PRISONERS. So I walk through the hallways, they are NEAR EMPTY, and I get to shop no problem. This is all so effin crazy. WE ARE NOT CRIMINALS!
(thanks to GC for the appropriate lyric for the subject)
and now, they're saying no period 2... what the fuck kind of school did i get myself into?!
we have first period until GYM, which sucks. my first period teacher is being EMO saying she questioned her career after the bell incident and stupid shit like that...
Gym class was pretty easy. We had to walk/jog around the football field FOUR EFFIN TIMES. I stuck by stefani and niurka, and we were talking about the most random things ever. When we got in, we did jump rope. wewt.
at lunch, they had Ellen on the tvs. I look up, and i see that tomorrow, they are airing a new exclusive GOF clip!! (I hope its Twined or Oliver Wood makes a surprise appearance -finger cross-)
The Air Force came, and I got out of Excel class to go look at a jet engine. ANYTHING to get out of Santana's class. Now I'm in Word class, with nothing to do, because I'm 3 projects ahead and the teacher doesn't have any work for me. blah. calculators, then html, then home, then practice guitar, then go to guitar, then hpo, then stay up all night... and then DAN AND RUPERT ON TRL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!
Off the subject of the school being convinced we're convicts, some graphics to lighten the mood.
JOP Header:
Emma/Dan Icon:
Emma Photocall BG:
JOP Premiere Header/BG:
Rupert Grint Premiere Header/Banner/BG/Blank:
JOP Icons:
Emma BG/Header/Blank/FO Banner:
Daniel Radcliffe Premiere Banner/Header/BG:
Comment and Credit please. thanx.