Aug 19, 2011 19:59
It has (finally) dawned on me that I have been rather quiet on my journal recently, and when I say quiet I mean practically silent. I apologise for that. It seems that life and muses don't go the places you expect them too. Just in case anyone was wondering or worried, I am fine, I am still very much in the Sherlock fandom and I am still writing.
At the moment I am very much caught up in something that should be coming to an end in a few weeks, but that for the past, well three months I suppose now, has consumed most of my non working life. It is a good thing and once it's over I'll tell you all about it. After that I should also be able to look again at some of the other stuff I was working on before my life was pulled in another direction. I have so many story ideas that my head is hurting and I have a number of stories that are in the 'nearly done' bracket.
So, give it a few more weeks hopefully I'll get round to updating my journal with some new fics and seeing where life and the muses take me next.
And yes, I am aware that I have basically just told you sod all, but at least that's more than you knew five minutes ago. :D