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Apr 12, 2006 14:20

Apparently, there was a baby shower in my office today. Well, I shouldn't say "apparently." I knew it was happening and all. I was even given an invitation. But I sort of thought they were kidding. As it turns out, we were all actually expected to go. So I did, because my boss told me too. Granted, he told me before leaving for the airport to go to New Mexico, so I think I was somewhat set up. :) But I went, anyway, if only for a little while.

I'm still not sure I really get the whole baby shower experience. It seemed pretty quiet and silly and mostly involved eating food. Don't get me wrong, I like food. But I guess I always thought there must be more to it. I admit it, I like to think that all get-together's that involve only women descend into pajama-clad pillow fights within about an hour. Really, it's just more fun to think of it that way.

And in fairness, the three of us guys who attended made ourselves scarce pretty quickly after the food part ended and the game/gift part began. So maybe it got all naughty after I left. Perhaps not, since it was in a large conference room with glass walls, but I still choose to believe it did.

The part I was there for was kind of boring, though. We all guessed how many M&Ms were in the baby bottle. I guessed 272 and the answer was 260. I got cheated out of my M&Ms, though, because Bob guessed 250. Drat! But probably just as well. I'm fat enough without carrying around the mental image of candy coming out of a nipple. And I will simply point out in passing that of the 20 people there, two of the three guys present got first and second in that little game. Apparently, it's only length men can't estimate.

Other than that, I just sat there and made dumb jokes to cover my nervousness about how many times I was hearing my coworkers say "nipple." Not even the jokes were all that funny. Well, one. When Tammy said "I got the cake at Costco" and the mother to be said "I love Costco, you can get anything at Costco!", I announced "You can get the actual baby there, too, but you have to get triplets." I cracked myself up with that one. But then they started opening gifts and it was time to leave. The first package were some baby clothes. They were nice enough, I guess, although I don't get the baby clothes thing. I almost said "Ohmigod, look at the little shoooooeeeees!" but I decided not to because a) there weren't actually any little shoes, and b) I don't like to actively make fun of any group of people that has me out-numbered 17 to 1. Especially since I was pretty sure there were pillows hidden somewhere in the room.

But between my behavior treading dangerously close to the line where I was going to get beat up and the fact that I was pretty sure there was something somewhere in that pile of gifts that I would prefer not to ever have the mental image of in my head when Kathy says good morning to me, it was time to get the heck out of there.
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