(no subject)

Mar 03, 2006 08:13

The other night I saw a report on the news that... well, in my own defense, let me stop here. I don't actually watch TV news. But it was on while I was running around getting ready to go to bed. I swear. So as I've been walking back and forth, they've done this whole feature story on people that have gotten sick and ended up losing their homes. Mostly they were interviewing people like this woman that had cancer and she couldn't make the mortgage payments on her home and so the bank foreclosed. Now I have to admit I don't really consider this news, I suspect it was something they did as some sort of human interest story. And if you want my cynical guess, I'd imagine that the way they advertised it all night long was probably less than tasteful or responsible. But I didn't watch the story so I shouldn't take shots at it. Maybe they actually had something interesting to say.

What I do know is that the 45 second conclusion to the story included a reporter standing there recapping the entire story while standing in front of an originally designed graphic with a house and a big foreclosed sign across it and probably something that denoted medicine in some way. And across the bottom of this picture was the title of the story: "Loose Your Health, Loose Your Home".

Now, seriously, I don't expect much from TV news these days. But if you're going to devote 1/6 of your total program to a particular story, could you at least have someone sign off on the graphic first? I mean, at least pretend to be a news program. Is that so hard?

And the truly scary part is that wasn't even the stupidest thing to appear on a Kansas City news program this week. By far. That was just a mistake. On Tuesday night, I must have seen 5 ads for the feature story on the 10 o'clock news, which was... I kid you not... "Crazy X-rays". It was an entire story devoted to showing x-rays of people that had weird stuff stuck in their bodies. Seriously.
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