Being a sports-deprived ex-Philadelphian, I can't help but be excited whenever one of my teams gets televised nationally. So needless to say, last night I happily settled in front of the TV with some snacks and a desire to stay up until the early morning watching my beloved but beleaguered Eagles play their hearts out for one last gasp at a
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As I say to Poindexter more than once a season, I don't know why people get attached to a single team for years on end. It's not the same team!! Different players, different coach, different strategies! The Eagles of today are not the same as the Eagles of, say, 1981! The players aren't even from Philadelphia and may not even like it here! What exactly are you rooting for?! I suggested that Poindexter look at all the teams each year, decide which one he likes the most based on the players, teamwork, coaching, etc. and root for that team.
Funny, I got a dirty look when I suggested this. Hmmm....
Thank you! You have to be loyal to your team! Well except I abandoned my team from childhood. Yes I was a Cowboys fan (from the Roger Staubach days! Ohhh old people reminiscing!)But I got PISSED when they canned Tom Landry. You really think I would be over that by now.
I am still mad at the Colts for leaving Baltimore! Grudge much?
I am not really a big pro fan anymore but I am a RABID college fan. This stuff is important to me! I don't get it when people don't get it.
But, anyway, good for you for a) understanding sports loyalty, and b) understanding that the cowboys completely suck. Those two things together make you my absolute favorite person. ;)
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