Oct 10, 2004 11:05
My homecoming did not at all go well.
'Twas another day to add to my week of hell.
And my family left without waking me for church,
So here in my birdcage I let my mind perch
And ponder upon what life and love are all about.
Even after last night I won't let myself pout.
Because God has a plan for me and this is part of it,
So why throw myself into a pit
Of saddness, depression, hate, and despair
When all homecoming's really about is the dress and the hair.
It only exists to make you feel special and pretty.
I kinda missed out on that, but is that such a pity?
Shouldn't we feel like that everyday
Because we're all beautifully unique and God made us this way?
You know what, I have something from homecoming to make my heart glad.
It will always remind me of the good friends I had.
Ruth, you were there for me, so many other people too.
You probably thought there was nothing you could do,
But by being there you calmed me in my woe.
I also got hugged by someone I didn't even know!
What a statement to make about her character and heart
I should find out who she is and thank her for the part
She played in healing my saddness and greif.
To get all this off my chest is such a relief.
Love is patient, love is kind,
So to what happened last night, my heart is blind.
Though he hurt me bad, and he knows that he did,
I don't think he could ever do anything I can't forgive.