So yeah... ^^;

May 24, 2008 22:12

Well... how do I start this?

Today was actually a good day.  I slept in, read and then went to hang with my beta,
anismes_love.  Unlike me, *glances carefully at her* she got up at 4:30 AM and went to play volleyball.  ALL DAY until five.  THAT was when I got a text from her saying she wanted to hang.  So NATURALLY I went over when I actually looked like I wasn't lazying around all day and when she looked like she wasn't playing all day.  Yeah.  We then proceeded to freak out over DBSK's new single. *spazzes* IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD!  My beta agrees...

So anyways!  We decide to go and eat at a sushi place, where I had sushi for the first time. *hides away* I know!  For someone who is so determained to go to Japan and South Korea, I, junsu_hyung, have never had sushi.  It was actaully pretty good!  ^^  Yesh... I am glad that I was able to make my beta content with at least one thing... -_-;;;

So!  We were waiting for our big platter of food that we were sharing when two men and two woman came in and sat near us.  We didn't really mind at first but... one of the ladies - a lesbian hippy - desided that it was alright to talk loudly about being in a store where they were selling lube and condoms and the store was decorated with condom balloons.  CONDOM BALLOONS! O_O!!

But NO!  Even after we finished spazzing slightly, she decieded to talk about a party she went to where they had condom balloons.  THEN she talked about wanting to buy a STRIPPER POLE that sometimes came with stages... and she wanted to learn how to dance on one.  Why?  She admired those that could do stuff like that!  Then... we just slowly blocked them out of our minds... -_-;;;

Yeah... you don't just talk about that stuff... but she must of thought we were lesbians or something cause it was just us...  Unfortunately for us, while we glanced at each other and silently laughed, that must have proved in her mind that we were lesbians and just kept on going!  It was really awkward...

So!  In the midst of this, we were writing notes back and forth about how awkward it was and I thought it would be funny to write about how DBSK would react... XD  This was my idea:

Title: It Should Have Been Peaceful
Pairings: None... sadly...
Beta: None... cause we're too tired and lazy to correct it
Disclaimer: Obviously, we do not own them... though we contemplated buying them so they could care for us and we could "care" for them. ;D
A/N: Yeah... I seriously wonder if this happened to them at one point in time...

Jaejoong eagerly looked up at the Korean sign and slowly read it over and over as the others carefully climbed out of the van to stand beside him.  Their manager parked the van as they slowly walked in, making sure to sit in a quiet booth, making sure that no one could see them clearly.  Yunho looked around and moved closer to Jaejoong to make room for the manager as he entered, making sure he blocked the leader from being seen.

Jaejoong glanced over at the three youngest and noted that Changmin kept himself in the corner, his eyes closed and he was falling asleep.  Doe eyes flickered to Junsu who sat in the middle, his voice low as he spoke with Yoochun, the other nodding slightly and leaning forward, whispering into his ear.  A hand raised to cover his mouth as he giggled slightly, Yoochun smirking at his words.  Looking back at Yunho, he watched the other just look over the menu as the manager pulled out his haptic and checked their scheduale for the few weeks.  Jaejoong sighed slowly, which caused Yunho to glance over at the redhead with concern.  The eldest shook his head and the leader nodded slightly before looking up at the waitress that came up.

She sucked in her breath and the manager told her to keep them a secret.  The girl nodded slightly as she stared at Yunho and then at the others before she took down their orders.  She left, quickly bringing back drinks for them and then scurrying away.  Junsu chuckled before taking a sip of his water, watching Yoochun grab two sugar packets and rip them open, dumping their contents into his ice tea.

"Why are you pouring it on the lemon?" the other asked after the sugar was poured in.  The baritone blinked before covering his mouth to muffle his laughter.  The tenor smiled brightly, curiousity in his eyes.

"I just did!  Why?" Yoochun finally asked, his eyes crinked warmly as he smiled as he pushed the lemon with the large pile of sugar down with his straw.

"You could have squeezed the lemon into your drink!  That's why!"

"It's cause I can squish it with my straw!  It's better than-"

"Squish?"  The two turned to look at an amused Yunho who smirked at their little quibble.  The two looked at each other before laughing at each other silently.  Jaejoong chuckled before turning to look at the still sleeping Changmin.

"Poor kid.  He's been pushing himself lately," he stated to himself, but the others heard.

"All of you have.  You guys should get a vacation soon though..." the manager mused as he started to look over the scheduale for the umpteenth time.  Junsu looked over at the "baby" and moved his hand, lightly brusing a strand of hair from his face.  He stirred slightly before sitting up and then slumping heavily onto the other, making him squeak.

In the midst of waiting for their meal, Yoochun and Junsu were passing notes back and forth on a random piece of paper they found.  Yoochun snickered at the last bit before he ripped up the note.  He claimed that it was showing off how amazingly awesome he was at tearing paper perfectly.  He proceeded to rip then brag then laugh as Junsu chuckled and told him it was not that important.  The baritone proceeded to rip it into 8ths before pausing, folding them once more, then nibbled them like the bunny he was.  Out of no where, Junsu's cackle cut the silence and Changmin slapped his hand over his mouth, muffling the sound.  No one came to bother them and they breathed a sigh of relief.  Finally, Yoochun placed the pile of paper in front of his friend who laughed.

"What?" Yoochun asked, a slight smirk on his face.

"Look how you... gave it to me!" Junsu giggled, showing the top piece.  There, on the top, revieled a O.O face on the paper which then caused all but one burst into laughter.

"Mmmm... sleepy..." Changmin murmured before he hummed slightly.  Junsu huffed before looking up as their food was brought.  The girl bit her lip from squealing but put the food down and hurried away.  Changmin slowly awoke to Junsu shaking him and the aroma that reached his nostrils.  "Ooo!  Food!"  He became wide away and reached for his chopsticks, mentally noting what he was going to eat.

The others rolled their eyes and began to eat, not noticing the people that entered into building, sitting in the booth near them but not passed them.  They whispered amongst themselves but froze as the chatter from the other table began to get louder.

"...we can go to Soeul and see that store I was talking about!  The one with the balloon condoms and lube!"

Yoochun and Changmin choked on their food as Junsu paled whiter than the table cloth in front of them.  Jaejoong had froze as Yunho forced himself to remain calm, took his napkin and started to wave it in front of Junsu's face, trying to get him to calm.  But it didn't stop there.  She proceeded to talk about strippers and getting a pole for herself to practice one.  The following conversation was stopped as they got their food.

The DBSK group quickly ate their food and they paid before leaving out the back door, the manager looking flustered.  Changmin looked like he was about to hurl, Yunho was hiding his true feelings behind his mask as he half carried a faint looking Junsu to the van, and finally Yoochun shaking like a leaf with Jaejoong trying to make him relax, though he was pale.  They mentally made note to never to go to that place ever again.  Even if the food was good!

A/N 2: For your entertainment, we added an original conversation in the midst of this fic.  I did ask my beta about her sugar dumping... and we did laugh hysterically.  That and the paper moment...  Anyways!  I was Junsu, obviously enough, and my beta was Yoochun.  We do call each other Su and Chunnie, by the way, because of how we act.  We chose to be them.  Anyways!  We hope you like it! ^^

random, day-post, dbsk

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