two hundred eleven | das musical elisabeth act 1

Mar 01, 2012 21:04

Das Musical Elisabeth (Korean Version) Act 1

I don't stan this musical as much as how i loved, really love, Mozart! The Musical. This is my own attempt at writing out the entire musical in my POV. You can decide for yourself if you want to compare it with the original, but i suggest you don't. (because i did and it's really not a good feeling).

This is a good musical. Good, because i am a Mozart bias and at the end of the day, after watching thousands of musical i'll probably still love Mozart the most.

If there's a round 2, i think that the rest should watch it, because the first one, again, its like a trial and error on how this musical might work in S.Korea. Then again, it was a beautiful musical. :) Beautiful just butthurt why junsu isn't really the main character okay i shut up now.

Credits: ME. (with the help of my minions, or more like my awesome people, that helped with the translation, and to the girl who skyped with me for over 4 hours when i was in seoul feeling like crap. i love you~) yes, this is my 20th time listening to the audio, and still trying to understand it well, and uncover the hidden messages -_-

프롤로그 Prologue
Curtain opened with Lucheni lying down on the floor while judge (not seen) questions him on why he assasinated Elisabeth.

Judge: "why did you kill her?"
Lucheni: "*spouting some rubbish*"
Judge: "answer me! why did you do it?"
Lucheni: "why are you asking the same question for the past century? why? what will you get from this? i am already dead~ get the hell out."
Judge: " hurry up and answer me!"
Lucheni: "because she wanted it."
Judge: "stop spouting nonsense!"
Lucheni: "but she really wanted it!"

then he starts saying something i cannot comprehend, called her name, and the curtain behind him rise up and the "zombies" (those people who had connection with Elisabeth walking like zombies to the front of the stage). Slowly, you'll see Sophie (E's mother-in-law), Franz Joseph (husband), Young & Adult Rudolf (son), and all other related people that i really .. din't bother checking out.

They say things about Elisabeth and stuff, and since the stage is pretty small compared to the original one, they only have this huge rotating circle stage in the middle of the stage (along with some ramp or something). So they start to form some kind of a circle, and the stage starts rotating. Sophie starts singing "We did not do anything wrong towards Sissi", Adult Rudolf too. /cries why he so cute one/ and then ..... Lucheni starts singing and all, then, they went on, "Everyone has danced with Death, but no one like Elisabeth..." (from here slowly, the platform starts lowering and Death appeared).

Lucheni: "Attention!!!! let me introduce to 'someone'. His name is Death"

Death appeared, and start singing to a huge potrait of Elisabeth behind his platform. and he talks about how he loved her and stuff -_________-

Death: "차갑고 냉혹한 나를 잃은 채 난 그녈 정말 사랑했어.(I lost my cool and grim. I really loved her.)

Judge: "Don't talk nonsense anymore Lucheni! Love. Death ... what is this?"
Lucheni: "But he really loved her"
Judge: "Last warning Lucheni! Who made you do this"
Lucheni: "Death, just Death"
Judge: "Why?"
Lucheni: "Amore~ The greatest love~~~~~~"

And while Lucheni was talking to the judge, Death was just staring at the Elisabeth frame (means his back was facing us). Then Lucheni starts singing "Eli~sabeth~~~~" and Death turned while singing back to Lucheni "Eli~sabeth~" and it goes on for like another two rounds ... till Death hits the high note~~~~~

당신처럼 - Like you

Lucheni: "So let me introduce to you~ Eli~sabeth"

Elisabeth appeared wearing a really colorful outfit with an umbrella and starts doing circus tricks. (more like trying to imagine she is on a rope and walking on it while balancing herself). She starts singing how she hate her life (and the circle stage starts rotating) and her dad appear. She sang about why she can't follow her dad to roam around to Spain or even France. She wants to be like her dad. But her dad say she can't.

"I want to be like you dad, free~"

Her dad tells her to take care of herself and listen to her mother, and then her governess appear telling her to change. But she keeps on saying she doesn't like to change into something that is restricting her. "I'm going to do some circus trick! See you~" and they left the stage.

모두 반갑군요 - Nice to meet you everyone

Lucheni introduce Elisabeth's sister, Helene and the mother, Ludovika. Ludovika brags to the public about how she received a letter from Helene's aunt, Sophie, that Helene will end up marrying the Austrian Emperor and become a queen. So while everyone was enjoying and celebrating, Lucheni (this man lurks around everywhere its so funny) alerts one of
them to look at what's behind. (Sissi was climbing the stairs to the rope and trying to balance walking on the rope).

So apparently after watching three shows, my unnir and i concluded that its the double stuntwoman. Not possible its Sissi there. because the time when she walks on the rope, and fell, and then she had to take out the harnest that serves as a safety protection, and then she had to be in Death's arms..... it don't make sense not to have a double. -.- kkkk, ignore.

So she climbed the stairs, walked on the rope, fell down, and the rotating stage moves, showing Death carrying Sissi bridal style to the middle stage. (Tbh, it was really a beautiful scene with the music playing). Then he puts her down on the platform in the middle, touched her face (with so much love), and wanted to leave,

Lucheni: "This is where the love starts"

The circle stage starts moving, so technically while Sissi was there sitting on the other platform, Death was moving (to leave the stage) This scene was mad mad gorgeous. While she is singing, he just stood there (since the circle stage is moving) and stare at her with really really so much love in his eyes (k, i can't really see his eyes, but using the binoculars and all, omg so dead!)

"Don't go my prince, please stay here with me~"
"I know you're Death, that's feared by everyone~"
"But i want to remember you like this."

Ludovika comes into the scene alerting some guy to call for doctor while Death leaves. (since only Sissi can see Death).

신이시여 지키소서 우리 젊은 황제 - God protects our young Emperor.

So this scene, Lucheni introduces the Emperor, Franz Joseph. It is obvious he is under his mother, Sophie's influence to decide everything. So there's a case on where a mother came to see the Emperor to save his son from a death sentence. So while she was singing to the Emperor on how she wants her son, at the background, we can see that Death is standing there (with the son that's on the death roll kneeling infront of Death). While the Emperor was making his decision (ofc, with the influence of his mother), Death, starts lifting his coat (with some kind of flaps at the arms lmao i can't stand it. its so funny but so beautiful). So the Emperor decided to go on with the death sentence, at that same moment death uses that flappy thingy to engulf the son. So beautiful yet awkwardly funny. kkkk

계획이란 소용없어 - Useless Plan

Bad Ischl - Where Sophie plans to let Franz Joseph to meet Helene. Sophie complains on how Helene's outfit is not suitable so they have to change, while there, Sissi was lurking around some statue and then, Franz Joseph came out hunting. They met for the first time, and then ....... they have this official meetup with the mothers and Helene.

Sophie: Pick who you want. When you pick, make sure to hold her tight.

Helene stood up confidently thinking Franz Joseph will pick her. But he skipped her and walked to Sissi. Everyone is shocked at the decision. But Sissi accepted.

날 혼자두지 말아요 - Don't leave me alone

The couple is alone on a small boat and he talks about how he is the Emperor and that she will be in alot of pressure since she is marrying him. She doesn't care (because she is blinded by the love) and agrees to marry him and stuff. (this song .. is so slow i really almost fell asleep)

모든 질문은 던져졌다 - All questions will be answered.

The couple gets married. While kneeling, Sissi agreed to the marriage, and Death's sinister laughter could be heard.

I watched three different performances. Two Junsu and one Ryu Jung Han.
On the 19th 7pm Junsu perf: Death appeared on the left side of the stage (there's this small platform), with the rope (which we assume is the wedding bell). He appeared serious, but then after he heard her agree to the marriage, he laughed out so hard and out (tbh, its more of like a dolphin squeallllll~~~) and rang the wedding bell.

On 25th 2pm Ryu perf: When Sissi said "I do~" the wedding bell could be heard so is Death's sinister laugh but he couldn't be seen at all.

On 26th 7pm Junsu perf: Same thing, after Sissi said "I do~" Death appeared, with the rope connected to the bell, only this time, he is floating. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAGE. FLOAT. WITH THE SAME ANNOYING HARNEST -.- This one was really mad awkward, because he was trying to be stable, at the same time laughing evily and ringing the wedding bell. I laughed so hard i can't ....

그녀는 여기 어울리지 않아 - She don't belong here.

Sophie and Sissi's father, Max, talks about how .... Franz Joseph is mad because he picked Sissi, and also Sissi is even willing to give up her lifelong dream, to be free, in order to marry Frans Joseph. /facepalm at the lovebirds/

So everyone starts greeting the newlywed, and the same time .. don't believe that this will last because, Sissi has always been the slacker, free girl not sometime who will be tied down to some commitment.

While Sissi dance with her husband, Death appeared along with his minions, the Angel of Deaths. appearing on stage #likeaboss (since everyone dropped dead on the floor, its like .. time stopped)

마지막 춤 - The last dance

So death gracefully (more like .... light walking) down his platform to the center stage while singing at Sissi.

"It comes real close but here's a story that's new of two men who loved one woman"

"You, the one who dares smile after casting me aside"

"In the end, is this choice of yours your true desire?
Your fantasies with regards to him are nothing but delusions
You hide behind a smile and you're in his arms but you will awaken from your fantasy"

"The world ages, and eventually leaves with death
The air is moist and heavy, don't you find it hard to breathe"

"마지막 춤 마지막 춤 오직 나만의 것
마지막 춤 네 마지막 춤 결국엔 나와 함께"

"우리 둘이서..." - Just the two of us.

사랑과 구경꾼들 - Love and spectators

Stage becomes some sort of the royal bedroom (with the main door) and Sissi is standing there with Franz Joseph when Lucheni comes in and calls a few audiences to watch the newlyweds. Just as they're about to kiss, Sissi realised that there's so many people looking at her. She stopped, but Lucheni was like, "no, (don't mind us), continue (kissing)" LMAO. She said something like, "everyone must find me really interesting". duh, you're not suppose to marry him but you did. Franz Joseph more or less convinced her that .. she is with him, try to ignore and stuff. But how can you ignore when ...

황후는 빛너야 해 - An Empress should shine

Your mother-in-law don't let you sleep for a minute longer and insists you wakes up. Sophie is just butthurt that her son picked Sissi not Helene. That explains it. Its like Sophie is telling Sissi to live as a queen and stuff, but Sissi refuse claiming that Franz Joseph gave her permission to do whatever she wants. Even the servants was like .... eavesdropping when they're talking.

Sissi was mad and keep on insisting that Sophie always disagree to whatever she wants to do. Then Franz Joseph walked in and Sissi asked for help. But ofc, Franz Joseph, being mama's boy, actually sided his own mother instead of listening to both sides of the story. He keeps on telling her that Sophie is doing this for their own good. Ya, as if.

나는 나만의 것 - I am my own.

So Sissi is sad that her husband is still under his mother's influence and that its mama > her. So she sang on how she wants to live on her own, with her own ways without anyone trying to change how she is trying to live. Yea, in short, its something like that.

She keeps running here and there, around the circle stage even i have headache. But tbh, difference between OJH and KSY, is that, OJH tends to go high and thin high imo. KSY, you
think she'll go up to the high note, but really .. no, she actually spoils that climax and goes slightly low. Not that its bad, its just i really expect her to sing high, but she
just goes low, but strong. Really strong.

Tbh, i almost fell asleep to this song, because to me, its like a lullaby. Well, try watching it three times. You'll sleep. -.-

결혼의 정거장들

This scene actually is cut so so so short. Its like Lucheni appeared on a stage, imagine a stage on a stage. He did a play to show the few years Sissi lived as Franz Joseph's queen. Her child was taken away from her, her mother-in-law is seriously evil (imo) by not letting Sissi near her. Sissi wanted to raise her own child. Sissi is mad annoyed because her own husband isn't on her side.


But Franz Joseph uses Sissi to gain more 'power' so he brought her to Hungary and Sissi agreed as long as she is able to see her children. However there, Death arrived and took Sissi's child, Little Sophie away.

길어지는 그림자 - As the shadows grow longer (in the setlist its not a reprise, but it's a short version)

Death appears and shows himself to Sissi.

"Your trembling breathe the moment i embraced you, i remember it. You needed me.
Acknowledge it, its not the Emperor that you wanted, its me. You are trapping the emperor within the darkness"

"As the shadows grows longer, it does not see the sunlight for eternity."

"The darkeness that casts a veil upon this world, at the closing chapter of the world, there he stands."

행복한 종말 - Happy endings

Stage turned into a Cafe. Where the Angels of Death are the waiters along with Lucheni. The citizens are discussing about their lives, that the world will soon end. So after every discussion, they keep on saying "it doesn't matter, what matters?" or something like that.(more like they're just really waiting for the world to end). In the midst of all the discussions, Death appeares. More like. .. he creeps in. Since no one was suppose to see him. He walks in with a newspaper covering his face (omg, its so obvious its him lmao with the black coat and all). He walks in, sat down and continue reading the newspaper (mad, because he never flip) he's just there to ....... eavesdrop on whatever the conversation is.

At the end, after the song ended, he stood up, and had this .. sinister smile on him. Junsu, your acting improved.

어린애든 아니든 - A kid.. or not?

Scene shows young Rudolf walking in to show his mama the toy ship that he made. (more of like ... a ... idek how to describe this) He wanted to go to his mama when his annoying grandma stopped him. She insisted that her mother is a bad influence and he shall not meet Sissi. Rudolf, really wants his mother love, begs but ends up getting pushed out to do other commitments.

엘리자벳, 문을 열어주오 - Elisabeth, please open the door

Best scene hands down. I can't even .... can never stop spazzing about this even watching it three times with two different Deaths. omg, i can't. this is so beautiful i want to
cry, i want to feel sad for Franz Joseph, but he is really dumb, and Sissi .... she just doesn't want to forgive. and Death, death, really, you are so evil.

Apparently, Franz Joseph got locked out of his (their) room. And thus he sang, "Eli~sabeth, its me. My angel, i've missed you so much. I've had a tiring day today with all the war that's going on, and suicide, it makes me sick. I just want to hug you to sleep and rest."

"Eli~sa~beth, open the door my love"

Elisabeth, this time, comes up with an ultimatum, either Franz Joseph pick her or his mom. Either way, its just .. bad tbh. But yea, he was asked to pick. Which one. She wants to take care of her own child, to teach him how to live his life ... and her as his mother. She wrote the 'contract', opened the door and gave it to Franz Joseph.

Sissi: I wish to be left alone.

And so he left.

And then, the stage turned, showing Death, on Sissi's bed, singing.


Death: "Come here and lie with me, close your eyes, so i can comfort you"
"I'll end everything, and i'll guide you to a better reality"
"엘리자벳 엘리자벳 널 사랑해"~~~~ /crying such beautiful scene i can't ..../

So Death is THIS close to getting Sissi to go to his side. THIS CLOSE. THIS. YOU KNOW, HE MISSED IT BY THIS BIT. I can't help it but to feel so so so sad for Death at this part.

Then again, he is evil.

She wanted to go to him, but she realised, she's still young, she can use her youth to take 'revenge'. So for the 2nd time, she ditched Death. To live, to fight. On her own.

Death, shocked, really shocked and walks away.

밀크 - Milk

The citizen comes in complaining on how they're lack of milk and stuff, and that who is stealing their food. Lucheni tells them that its Sissi, because she is using all the milk
for her baths (to look pretty and stuff like that). This scene is just them singing about milk and how Sissi is taking all of it. kkkk

황후께선 외모를 가꾸신다 - Empress needs to maintain her appearance

It is seen that Sissi indeed used up all the milk for her bath. Franz Joseph comes in to talk to Sissi (thru the closed bathroom door) and he finally admits that she wins. That he picks her instead of his mother.

Franz Joseph: " I'll tell you these words, yeah, you've won! I can not bear to be without your love .. it'll give you whatever you want"
"Yes, you'll raise Rudolf as the man that you want him to be"
"My choice is you"

And the door opens, to reveal a shining bright 'Queen' Elisabeth. Gorgeous. The dress is so so so beautiful, with a mad sparkling necklace on her.
Franz Joseph is happy, that she became this beautiful and finally changed, but Sissi, pushed him aside.

내 주인은 너야 Reprise ICH CEHOR NUR MIR(Reprise)
favourite scene ever. this is like the best of all.

Elisabeth: If you wish for me to understand you, then please understand and respect me too. For our sake, please stop holding me back.

Death: Today's pain will become a part of the past once tomorrow comes. No matter what is it that you want, in the end, you'll be mine alone.

Elisabeth: However you see it, i still want freedom and the master is me.

Death: The master is me!

Elisabeth: I want freedom!!!!

She was really shining so brightly, wearing white gown with all the white lighting on her. The beautiful part was that when she was singing to Franz Joseph, Death appears, thru the mirror. Its like kind of a reflection that requires you to see properly in order for you to see him there.


edited on: 2 August 2016. edited again on: 14th Feb 2017.

junsu took my heart with him, junsu is like my life right now, !koreatrip, !fanaccount, *2012, !public, smoker dude is relevant, spazz : this is mah fandom, park eun tae deserves a tag, the reason why i am a junsu stan ♥, i am crazy

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