Title: Everything is Lost
Rating: G
Comic(s): New X-Men
Prompt: None.
Character(s): Julian Keller, Victor Borkowski
Summary: He had nothing.
A/N: Thanks to a certain plot bunny feeder who knows who she is >_>, here’s one to go along with
Leaving for Good.
‘It will pass,’ they said. ‘Things will go back to normal, you’ll see!’ they assured him, but he knew that it wouldn’t; he knew that things would never be the same.
Julian had never noticed it before, but after Victor left, it had hit the telekinetic like a slap in the face. Vic had been a big part of his life; he had been Julian’s sanity during rough times and his shoulder to cry on during the down times. He had been Julian’s confidant when no one else would listen and he had been by his side through it all. The reptilian teen had been his everything in a way and now he was gone.
Now, Julian had nothing and he hated it.