Title: Three minus one
Rating: G
Comic(s): Amazing Spider-man, Avengers: The Initiative
Character(s): Peter Parker, Scarlet Spiders (Michael, Patrick, and Van)
Summary: They weren’t complete.
A/N: Spoilers for the latest issue of Avengers: The Initiative. ;_;
He wasn’t sure what to think when two of the Scarlet Spiders showed up on his balcony, masks gone, both looking absolutely miserable. All he knew was that something was very wrong. He asked where the third clone was but the boys wouldn’t answer so Pete didn’t push it. Instead, he pulled the pair inside and made them sit down before going to retrieve something to drink.
They may not have wanted to talk but they didn’t need to. The blood splattered all over them was answer enough.
Three Scarlet Spiders were now two.