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Mar 07, 2006 15:15

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dir en grey

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xsoxveryxalonex March 8 2006, 00:31:49 UTC
Isn't it a sixteen+ show anyway... ( ._.)

I don't know, perhaps it's because I connect with music on a different level than some people do. I need it to get through my day. If I don't hear at least a few songs an hour, I start getting cranky and unsociable. That's why I always bring headphones to parties and concerts. If I don't like the band that's playing, I put on music I do like. If I don't like the parties music, if they're even playing any, I go introvertive and jam to my own tunes. When it comes to concerts of this magnitude (one of my top five bands, a permanent spot on the top two especially) things have to play out perfectly for me. I want to be close so I can see the music. I want to watch the way Die stares at his frets when he solos, shaking his hair to be all bad ass. I wanna see the shy look that Shinya gets after he's just closed a song and the way his sticks hit the crash cymbals, I would love to see one Toshiya's solos up close and personal because the man is a four-string master. Kaoru's 'rock on' face when he's really getting into a riff or solo, even when he uses his wa bar, I love the way his strings shiver at that. And Kyo; he is an instrument in himself. I want to see the way his diaphragm contracts when he pulls in for a strong note. I want to see the way his smile lines appear when he opens his mouth wide to wail out a death growl... You don't often see this sort of thing if you come an hour before the doors open. You can, of course, but you have to hurt other people who spent their entire day, several years before that, to earn their spot at the front. It's not always fangirling. Sometimes it's dedication in a different way than those who just do the regular go to the show, leave the show. I wouldn't know half the people I do if I didn't do the sort of shit I do for these kinds of concerts. I wouldn't feel as close to Slipknot, Stone Sour or the Murderdolls if I just went home right after every concert or showed up half an hour before curtain. I understand why you don't do this sort of thing, it's almost an aquired taste, but I'm slightly defensive when you go on to think that those people that show up half a day early are rabid fangrirls. Maybe on the inside, but some of us, myself included, save that sort of thing for home. I don't give most rock stars a second glance when I'm around them. Cripes! Jim Root (Slipknot guitarist) popped over a fence while me and my friends were waiting after the show (because one-all of them come out to greet the fans, everytime they can; this was no exception) and I was the first one to notice him. I was sitting in a chair I yoinked from across the street, on my laptop watching Deg videos and peeked up to see his 6'6" ass staring back at me, grinning. I simply said, "Hey James," and went back to my computer action. Everyone around me spazzed out and ran to him, my friends included, them ushering me to come "meet James" (been there, did that) so I rolled my eyes and meandered over to hear his voice because his stories make me smile and he gives fun hugs. The situation would be no different with Deg, except I would be probably say a lot less to them unless they wanted to talk about buisness meetings (damn Japanese For Busy People book! What have I learned from you!? Sumisu-san wa ABC no bengoshi desu! Wooptie frickin' doo) or if there's a terebi in the imani! No, I'd merely watch them exist because that's what I do with everyone I don't know. Only main difference? One of those guys can turn me on by breathing alone and he doesn't even know my name. That's all.

I see all people as just that, people. Some just have their names in lights and a dedicated batch of followers.


xsoxveryxalonex March 8 2006, 00:35:58 UTC
Oh, and I know this wasn't any sort of attack against me, I know you know I'm straight with Deg, but it was more for those who don't understand why we do the stuff we do for the bands and music that keeps us going day by day. <3


junshin March 8 2006, 01:58:15 UTC
I understand why you don't do this sort of thing, it's almost an aquired taste, but I'm slightly defensive when you go on to think that those people that show up half a day early are rabid fangrirls.

I've met my share of bands and members. It's because way back when I was dedicated. I'm dedicated to Dir en grey. I deserve front like the rest of the true fans. However, I'm more upset towards those who get in line obsessively and slobber over pictures because Keeyou is so hot.

I need a cigarette. --;


junshin March 8 2006, 02:10:43 UTC

It is 16+, but if they have a parent they can get in younger than that.


hotarubi March 8 2006, 02:07:47 UTC
I wasn't going to comment, but your comment vaguely irritated me, and in addition to that, I don't like seeing Waru upset either. Instead of trying to prove your point by going off on a tangent and mentioning other bands, try to stick to Dir en grey and attempt to present your argument better on the subject at hand.

Anyway, what is being said here is sad, but true reality about certain aspects of the Dir en grey fandom. You can preach to me all you want claiming your not a fangirl, but that just irritates me farther. If you don't want to be labelled as a fangirl, present yourself better, and ask others who go around screaming: "KYO IS SO KAWAII! ^.^" to present themselves better. I can't say anything else on the issue--since I don't know you. I cannot judge.

But what gets to me, is you're defeating the purpose of going to see Dir en grey. We're not going to be paying much attention to what types of things their faces do most of the time. We're going to be paying attention to the music being played, the emotion in Kyo's voice, and the message he's trying to provide to us. It's not going to be focused in his stomach, or his mouth. We're going to be listening to his HEART. I feel insulted by your comment.

Be thankful you're even going to be there.


xsoxveryxalonex March 8 2006, 03:05:18 UTC
[Correction] You know what, you're right...

You don't fucking know me. I only use the term 'fucking' to enforce the intense emotion you've provoked within my inner evil; I'm not trying to yell at you but there's some vocal emotion for you.

That comment wasn't written for open discussion, it was just a whim I went out on. I wasn't expecting someone to blow it out of proportion like you just did. Sammi knows me and my feelings for Dir en grey. I am not a fangirl. Why do you think I was talking about music in the beginning. Perhaps I should have pointed out that I'm listening to the band in question 86% of the time. For me, Deg is about the music. I was stating that I like to also see the music I'm listening to. Without those five men, there is no music to hear. I was only showing my appreciation for their existence and that's why I wait so long for the front row. I brought up the other bands because they share a similar light of adoration as a group just like Dir en grey. But I've had more experience with them than I have Deg so I only use them for example. Pardon me for straying off a topic that I never found to be present. That's just how I write.

The funny thing is you're the first person to ever label me as a fangirl if that was your intention. Congratulations, you're practically a hypocrite because you just judged me. ^.^

I wasn't even aware the Waru was upset by what I said... I was just defending my reasoning behind my 12 hour sit at Starbucks and the shopping center nearby with my CA friends. o_o

I can't understand how vague irritation can spur such words as yours but please understand that they've spurred some serious irritation in mine.

P.S. You have no idea how thankful I am for what is being bestowed upon me. Don't think you know me by a comment I post because I've earned my right to attend this concert. I've been earning it for nearly four years so don't even go there.

My mind is so jumbled with emotion that I can't even write anymore. This was just a bit too much for me to take at the moment. I'm not trying to be mean or hurtful to you, honestly, but I will bite back when someone prods me in the wrong spot like you have. Excuse my sarcastic rudeness but that's another trait I am unfortunately plagued with. m(_ _)m


hotarubi March 8 2006, 03:18:06 UTC
All right, see all I asked for was my opinion of you to be cleared up. My intent was not to start an argument over a good friend's journal. All I was responding to, was a comment set in front of me.

No need for us both to blow fuses, right? We're both going to see the same band after all.

No problem. I am not trying to be mean, or hurtful myself. I just needed some clarification.


xsoxveryxalonex March 8 2006, 04:06:08 UTC
Well, I hope that clarified some things for you.

^_^v Truce, ne?


hotarubi March 8 2006, 02:09:39 UTC
Again, I don't know you.

Feel free to correct me for not understanding any portion of your comment.


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