Alright. So my first Legacy (the La Luna's) I lost in a computer crash. My second Legacy (the Clark's) I lost because The Sims had some fatal error and I was dumb and didn't backup my neighborhoods prior to unintall and reinstall. So I'm back now with a new try at a legacy. Pending satisfactory computer/sims operations this one should get completed. With that. Here is the first installment of:
The Warner Legacy
This is our lovely Legacy Starter, Miss Marisol Warner and she looks less than thrilled to be fulfilling this role. Ungrateful prat. She's a knowledge Sim with a LTW of becoming a Mad Scientist. Shes introverted but neat and nice. I figured this would be a good way to start considering most of the NPCs are slobs and assholes.
I gave her a Chow-Chow named Luna whom she babies the crap out of and never disciplines.
Whom she also plays endless hours of fetch with rather than studying for her LTW.
She gets a job in the science career track and I finally get her ass inside to study. "It says here that if I rub things with a sponge they'll get clean!" No really?
Oh snap, the welcome wagon cometh!!! Why is it always Benjamin fucking Long? I hate BL with a passion!!!!!
"Y'all bitches come on in, I'm making lunch for everybody!!!" Honey, don't even think about it, Benjamin is seriously bad news!!!
She catches a glimpse and she's less than thrilled too. She does try to make friends with thatblondchickwhosenameIcan'tremember
"Benjamin is such a pansy!!! Amirite?"
"Didn't you say something about lunch?" This isn't going to work. I send her promptly to Blue Water Village to meet some potential baby's daddies.
She autonomously sets her little heart on this redhead and stares creepily at him.
Meh, he is sans lips. I am unimpressed but she chats him up for a bit just in case I need to phone in a date later on.
Hold the phone! Landgraab!!!! He's got tons of money which our little princess is seriously lacking in.
"You want to come over for breakfast? I can make eggs!" No-lips looks a little jealous and wants in on the conversation but he needs to piss off.
"Tweet Tweet Baby!" Uh, darling. This isn't charades. We're trying to snag you a husband here.
"I've got it. You're a bird." At least he's playing along.
Or not...
She decides he sucks anyways. You tell em honey. We don't need you or your money!!!
She heads home without any promising prospects. Shit.
She eats a pint of Cherry Garcia and goes to bed depressed.
Luna thinks a crate sucks. Attica!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They're both selfish twits and dream of themselves.
Luna has taken to peeing on the floor and Marisol refuses to scold her. "But she's my baby!!!!!" If you don't clean up in here no man will marry you! I thought you were a neatnik!?!?!
"Ouch! Can't I just call for takeout?" I should have made you a pleasure sim.
Because we all play fetch in the middle of the night in our underwear on the sidewalk. Not long after she bails on that idea and decides to go play in the tub.
"Thar she blows!!!" Yeah and she's called the SS Crazy...
"Not funny." Yeah it was.
"Glub glub glub!!!" I honestly love when they do this.
First day of work in the science track. Oh and Benjamin, get off my lawn.
She gets home and calls the matchmaker because we need to get workin on some babies. "Yeah I'd like to order one tall dark and handsome gentleman please?"
Huzzah! He's actually kind of cute! His name is Trevor something or other with too many consonants and they talk forever, blah blah blah.
Things are going well I believe.
So well that when she falls asleep because she's in the red he relaxes in bed with her but makes mean faces while he does it. He heads out a few hours later. Still making mean faces.
"Ah!!! Luna!!!! I love this picture. After the bath she invites Trevor over.
Because with a puddle of pee on the floor and a bowl of rotting food on the table, the already spotless counter is your biggest priority.
Things go well. I love the casual romance mod.
Except he hits it and leaves right afterward. WTF? "Awwwww yeah. This is my pimpin face!!!" Somebody has all of "The Don's" books doesn't he.
She invites him over the next day to ask him to move in.
Things do not go well.
"Now what?" I dunno, think of something.
"So I give you some of my super hot, fly, lovin and you don't even want to live with me???"
"Then I think there'll be no more late night punani for you."
He changes his tune and moves in. Sucka.
Apparently he was a college townie.
Post makeover. Meh, I wish he wasn't a redhead.
The next morning after breakfast she proposes but I neglect to catch it on film. This is their Okay-Now-What Pose afterward. You know what comes next.
Makin sweet sweet love down by the fire. Is somebody having buyers remorse?
Keep an eye out for the next update!!