la Luna Legacy Generation Two Part Three

Oct 23, 2006 13:12

The la Luna Legacy - Generation 2 Part 3

Where we left off Claire and Dickson had five children Charlotte, Cooper, Catherine, Camile, Clara and the last of 6 on the way. The first three children are off to college and the remaining three are left to grow up...

First thing we need to do upon moving into the new digs is hire a maid. You know none of these brats have ever lived without a maid.

"Do you think they could, like, live here? My siblings are slobs and I can only make so many beds." So after that I watch the sidewalk like a hawk so that I can start spouse shopping...

She's pretty hot! Cooper where the hell are you?

"I'm in your hallwayzzzz....making punchy facez!" Har Har. So he invites her in to chat.

She doesn't look impressed. "I deserve an Oscar nomination for trying to look interested in this conversation." Not even cowsuit is interested.

"So baby, listen, if we're going to make this thing work I need you to give me like 30 hours a week of video game time."

"That and I need like at least 7 hours of Sports Center a day. Cool?" She gives him the bitch I don't think so face and leaves. Cooper, I hate you.

Meanwhile Cowsuit makes Catherine cry...I on the other hand find something outside that'll cheer her up.

What up hot college guy? So I send Catherine out for a chat with hotguy.

"So my mom told us that they took my sister and put her in a rocket ship and sent her to the moon when I was a kid. Turns out she only went to college. HAHA!" I swear Catherine, I know you're a knowledge Sim but nobody wants to hear that dumb story!

Except for hot guy it seems. He thinks she's hilarious. So they talk for a million Sim Hours...

"So we've done a bunch of talking but are you going to be my Genie in a bottle baby?"

"Fo sho, we could move out right now but my LTW is to be a mad scientist and I'm the legacy heir so I really need to finish school and stuff. Are you okay with a career woman?" Shortly after that Catherine sprints off to class and hot guy goes home.

Meanwhile Cooper and Charlotte chat in the entryway. "Maybe if you got dolled up a bit you could find a husband, you mean ugly hag!"

After his mean ass comment, she decides to clear her head by doing some homework on the second level patio.

That is, until Cooper comes out to the patio to make crabby faces about Ramen Noodles. Charlotte not to be second best, jumps out of her seat and makes mean faces at him. Because as we all know she's the residing grillmaster of THIS house. Cooper = PWNED!!!

"I've been eating ramen noodles for days now!" Then walk your lazy ass downstairs and make some Mac&Cheese. Since I'm having phone glitch issues and I can't get Catherine to call hot guy, lets head back over to the Main House.

As soon as I load up the house Claire pops again for some odd reason and had a weird boob. At that point she immediately desires a pet. What my legacy founder wants, my legacy founder gets.

"Bring me a kitty NOW before Captain Omniscient changes her mind!"

It arrives later that night and I call it Miss. Kitty.

Dickson could care less and primps with his hot new skintone all evening long. Someone is getting awfully close to having a fatal accident in the pool. *glares*

I knew something was up with that first pop. Claire pops for a second time that night in the kitchen with the birthday cakes from the twins still laying around. Meanwhile Dickson is spending quality time with Camile.

"That was cheating you little shit!" Dickson is an excellent parent. Good thing the Nanny showed up.

Like most of these children, Clara is neglected and often left in her crib for hours.

"Oojuhboo! Oojuhboo-boo-boo-doo!" Claire is more interested in Miss Kitty.

And eating grilled cheese. She rolled grilled cheese wants consistently thru this pregnancy.

The next day it's Clara's birthday...

...and she's the worst yet.

"Is there something wrong with my fucking genes? Why the hell are all my kids turning out completely busted???" Vanity is a bitch, that's why.

*sings* Love don't liveeeee hereeeeee Anymoreeeeeeeee!!! Things are not going well between these two. They've been like two ships passing in the night for a long long time.

5 beds in the house and they all want to nap on the couch...and dream of hussies.


Baby # 6 a boy who I name Christopher. Shockingly enough he looks like all the other kids. *headdesk*

Dickson's too busy primping to care. I can't hate on him too hard tho, he's had 5 previous to this. She gives birth like every 3 days. Last one tho, you can finally rest now Claire.

Immediately afterward, Dad and the girls have a chat. "Did you see the new EP is going to be weather? Maybe we can go and play in rain puddles Daddy?!"

"Maybe not."

Claire has a moment with the remaining girls in the house...

Obviously, they're not her favorites. I finally fix the phone glitch because Claire wanted to call all three kids and she's dipping into the red...

"I don't know why your dad called the repair man! Nothing was even broken!"

She's slightly better this time around and takes care of her motherly duties.

Until its birthday time for Camile and Christopher.

Not hot. Way to surprise everyone Camile...

Christopher on the other hand is kind of cute!

Off to the college bin you go darling! Notice her hating on her Mom.

"I hate you! Don't make me wait too long." Bitch, for that you're going to sit there until Cooper and Charlotte leave.

Nice face Claire. She's awfully psyched to be potty training this time around.

So cute I just died.

"Hey Catherine! After college, why don't you take the long way home, like thru the woods with the werewolves and stuff." She's probably 2nd meanest kid in this legacy for reals.

Birthday time for Clara and only Mom shows up because she's an evil little shit. she heads off to the college bin to wait with Camile.

"Get the fuck out of my chair already" Nice Claire, such a thoughtful mom.

Dickson's busy skilling, he's an R.N now. He had better become chief of staff before he bites it.

Christopher grows up at the top of the stairs. He's kind of cute but nobody cares enough to notice. So we head back to the college house...

Catherine called her boyfriend and invites him over to gossip about her mom and the time she set the stove on fire. Dude, that was like forever ago. You may have even been in the womb! You are however looking hella cute.

He does not agree and things are not going well...

What is it with this family and napping on the couch!

"Maybe if I wore my pretty pink dress hot guy would have liked me better." Pssh. He doesn't know what he's missing, besides we'll change his mind.

Charlotte tells Auntie Delilah her feelings on the cops. Delilah already knows whats up. "This is college, everybody hates the cops."

OOOOOHHHHH Cooper, so scary. Or completely the opposite. He does this more and more as time goes on.

Charlotte sprints off to class in her PJs

and runs into this mess when she gets home.

OMFG, the taming of the shrew! He actually makes her laugh and they talk forever while their meter goes up super fast.

They both think the other one is love. The bell ringer must have a penchant for difficult women.

Her first floaty heart kiss. They spend a lot of time together over the next couple days and then...

She proposes because I'm getting hella sick of her attitude. I was going to graduate them all but eff that noise. That would take months.

"This makes up for all those times I was locked in the bell tower!"

"So listen, now that I've found a man to get married to, my benevolent ruler sees no use for me at college. I'm dropping my bad ass out!"

"Later bitch!" Back to the Main house one more time...

Charlotte shows up on the front lawn still fuming about the break-in that time when she was a baby...dumbass.

"Get your ass over here and marry me already, I need to get the hell out of this legacy!!!"

She greets Quasimodo outside, she doesn't want to take the time to introduce him to Mom & Dad apparently.

He turns into a adult. The bells! The bells!

They quickly get married before Mom and Dad can even show up to watch.

"Did Dickson miss something?"

"Who the hell was that guy????"

Charlotte is pissed that they decided to show up and ruin her day.

She literally runs into the house to move out.

"I've never even met you but see ya!"

Charlotte = not stylin. At all.

So we say farewell to our first born, the bitchiest of the bunch and her Quasimodo husband.

Claire quietly watches her leave from the side door.

Then she peeps at Dickson thru the window taking care of business in the bathroom. Perv.

One down 5 to go, Claire.

Okay that was an ENORMOUS one from playing in and out all weekend. Might have an update again later in the week if I get a chance to play between now and then. Lots to still to come, Will Cooper and Catherine find mates? What's in store for Camile, Clara and Christopher? BTW, don't ever take on 6 kids. Evar.

In case you missed any:
Generation Two: Part One | Part Two
Generation One: Part One | Part Two

la luna legacy

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