Jan 21, 2007 21:09
So it's been almost 3 weeks since I have last posted on lj... Here's what's going on:
I ended up pulling off my first term at Dalhousie with in my opinion quite impressive marks. The class I thought I was failing I ended up not getting the lowest possible mark in, which made me quite happy.
This school term I'm in 2 classes, Atmospheric Dynamics 2, and Ocean Dynamics. I feel that the two classes are going to be a lot of work and not very easy but I'm looking forward to the challenge. The first Ocean Dynamics assignment is already proving to be much fun.
With only 2 classes this term I'm hoping to get a good jump start on my research. My goal is to finish my masters by December 2007 and then moving to Germany. I have gotten a few papers to look at, data to play with, a numerical model to work through and a book that I have been reading to get some background information.
Outside of school I plan on becoming more active this term. I am hoping to attend TaeKwonDo class regularly instead of just three times this term, not just 3 times like last term. The issue I had with class last term was that I was asked to teach my second class there but I haven't practiced in 5 years so I didn't feel ready to teach I need to get myself back into it. I'm hoping that I don't have to teach until I feel completely comfortable with the sport again. The other thing I'm planning on starting this school term is becoming a Girl Guide leader... my first night will hopefully be tomorrow.
I have been wanting to do something with my hair... I went shopping yesterday and noticed that temporary hair dye was on sale, so now I have red hair. I am very happy with how it looks, but it's only going to last for a week or two. Maybe next I will do something a bit crazier, I'm thinking getting my hair a dark brown with bright red streaks. We'll see how adventurous I feel.
The mystery with JoJo's scratching has been solved... she had fleas. It only took me a visit to the vet and $130 to get rid of them. It was a very minor case of fleas that explained why at times it didn't quite seem like fleas. Also the vet described my cat as 'extremely healthy minus the fleas' which I guess is a really good sign.
I have worked a lot on my knitting hobby in the past month. I finished my first sweater on the train ride to Waterloo. Now I have several projects on the go including my second sweater. I will post more on this later with some pictures.