RP snippet~

May 31, 2009 23:04

from a What If, where Lupa lived and went with them. Early DDS2~

*....Lupa prolly ends up with Cielo while the other three make it back with Fred? ....and ends up intimidating the crap out of everyone even while he's not even trying to fight back, just by being so totally -calm- about everything, not a single flinch the whole time... he'll sit there in their lil cell room silently, prolly meditating or something, who knows. Cielo's prolly the only one not actually afraid of him, I'd think?*

Roland: *ends up coming in about an hour after Lupa and Cielo have been captured, rubbing at his head. He's got such. A hangover. >_<* What have we got?

Guy: Found them eating some Karma Society bastards not far outside. They've got the virus too.

Roland: ...obviously, if they were eating. *heads over to the cell to get a proper look at them...still not entirely awake. And he hasn't shaved yet...looks a total mess. 0_<;* If you two are spies, you picked the wrong job.

Cielo: Oh. Well, den. Guess I didn't. I'm just a scout. ^_^; *lil glance over at Lupa -- itty hint of expression he thought he caught there says the guy's kind of amused, so that's good enough for him. Yay for being able to read Serph easily, to be able to read Lupa while he's mostly not showing anything!*

Lupa: *silent, still.... part of this is just in trying to figure out why this place is so freakishly -familiar-. :/* ..... *staying where he is -- let Cielo have the sparse furniture, if there is any. He'll just sit cross-legged on the floor and watch Roland and the others through mostly-closed eyes.... hm, he knows that guy, too. :/ At least, it -seems- like he should... but....*

Roland: *ugh, his head. He needs to wake up more.* So what were you doing outside, huh? Think we'd just open the door if you knocked? *a pause* You aren't getting hungry again, are you?

Cielo: Uh.... 'f I say yes, do you let us outta here? We kinda need to get back to de others. We got a lil' separated... got a little lost. We were supposed to be goin' to Nirvana, but we ended up here. *a lil glance at Lupa again... guy's still trying to figure this out, still as a statue and all... even his breathing is less than obvious right now*

Roland: .... *he's way too hung over to deal with this properly. 0_<;* Adil...?

Adil: *sighs* I've got it. *gets closer, scowling at the two of them* Think you're funny, huh. Lokapala doesn't much care for the Karma Society, especially spies. So either tell us what you're up to or we're going to have to do this the hard way.

Cielo: Eh? But-- but-- *thought he did just tell them what was going on. 0_o* .....it's de truth, honest!

Adil: *slams a crowbar he's holding into the bars* Damn it, stop lying to me!

Roland: *sharp wince, holding his head* ....Jesus Christ, Adil. Warn me next time.

Adil: It's intimidation tactics, what do you expect?

Roland: ...gonna have a fucking migraine... >_<

Cielo: *lil jump and wince at that, but it's more because OW LOUD NOISE than any actual fear* ....

Lupa: *for the same reason, a hint of a wince at that too, but just -barely-. If they're watching. Still sitting there, apparently meditating, waits until they're done arguing.... and then that no-nonsense tone of his, and man, if only he had the same voice he did before, right?* -Adil-.

Adil: *startled by that, stepping back for a moment before his grip on that crowbar tightens* See, that? Don't try that bullshit on me. Only one man had -any- right to order me around like that. And you're not him. So who -are- you? Don't you dare feed me another lie, either.

Lupa: *still so very difficult to tell if he's even -looking at them or not, and he hasn't even changed position whatsoever. haha.* .....I was going to say that if you two are done discussing your methods, you might be interested to note that those methods -do not work- if you -say- that that's all they are. Intimidation tactics are only ever effective if your captives believe them. In this case, hitting the bars would be a sign of a volatile temper, which I know that you don't have... or else it could possibly be a less than effective attempt at torture by attacking our eardrums, which I think poor Roland has just protested.

Cielo: .... *snrrrrrrk. XD no no. don't laugh. Don't laugh!*

Lupa: *no hint of a smile, still apparently meditating there, if it weren't for the fact that he's talking to them* I would suggest that you consider more carefully, exactly how you found the two of us. If we were really spying on you for the Karma Society, would we have been so far from the Lokapala headquarters, feeding on our employers?

Roland: *highly amused by the look on Adil's face* Not bad. I haven't seen him like this in years. ....But I never told you my name, which the Karma Society knows all too well. And I've never seen you around here before until today, so I know you're not just some bum off one of the back alleys.

Lupa: No.... I'm not. But you aren't going to be satisfied with what we will tell you. I suggest you come back when you're more likely to entertain the notion that your suspicions about us and our intentions and origins -won't- be confirmed, and we can speak then. You have the opportunity to get a glass of water and try taking a walk around the base to clear your mind and focus; we probably won't leave in the meanwhile.

Cielo: *don't laugh. Don't laugh!* ... *does keep it down to a big grin at Lupa* I can see why Gale likes you, bro....

Lupa: *is that a smile?* ....I try to be reasonable.

Adil: *now he -is- getting pretty temperamental. >_<* You think this is funny, huh. We could just leave you in there to starve and eat each other. *and gets a transmission on the radio--needing backup at the gates, there's something big on the other side trying to get in.* ...damn it. *looks to the guys in the room* All but you two. Follow me. And if they try to change and bust loose, shoot 'em.

Roland: *taking his time in following Adil out, not making an effort to hide the little flask he takes out to drink from as he passes by the cell. Maybe a little extra will help him focus enough and dull his headache. ._. I'm sure Lupa would recognize that it's not water, though.

Lupa: *small sigh... well, he -was- trying to be reasonable, and Adil thinks he's making a joke of it. No, he was being perfectly serious. :/ Just because Cielo enjoys how Lupa's somewhat unintentionally making these guys seem like immature jerks.... pft.* ....Roland? You cannot command, if you cannot think. People need a leader they can look up to for guidance. Have you truly given up so soon? ....you're better than that. *thank you Roland for making sure he knew of alcohol even in the next life. Would be shocked at the taste, but at least he knows what "drunk" is. XD*

Roland: ... *freezes up at that. Okay. Totally -not- creepy. >_<; Right. No, not going to let it affect him. Guy's just trying to get a rise out of hiim. And...it's working, but that's beside the point!* I'm the last person people should look up to. *puts that flask away, heading outside...*

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