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Mar 23, 2006 17:35

A generous Bush always thinking of others
By David Martin | March 23, 2006

DURING A RECENT news conference, George W. Bush let it be known that the decision to end the US military presence in Iraq will not be his. Instead, according to Bush, it will be for ''future presidents" to decide.

Barely reliable sources note a possible post-conference follow-up in which Bush plans to leave a number of other decisions to future presidents, preferably Democrats.

''As far as the increasing national debt," said Bush, ''future presidents will have to tackle that problem."

''Given the precarious state of the economy," said the US president, ''it would be irresponsible of me to interfere at this point in time. I really think it's best if someone else handles it."

Suspending tax cuts for the wealthy is another issue apparently best left to future presidents.

''I handed out those tax cuts," said Bush. ''So how would it look if all of a sudden I took them back? Again, I think it's better that someone new make that decision."

The end of the war on terror has also been deferred.

''My speech-writers tell me that it's unrealistic to expect a war on a concept to end any time soon," said President Bush. ''So I'll leave that one to a future president to deal with as well."

When questioned about his administration's ill-fated prescription drug plan, Bush again deferred.

''It's obviously way too early to do something about that," said the president. ''Tinkering with the plan now could make the situation even worse. Best to let some future president try to fix it."

Gulf Coast residents hoping to get some immediate hurricane relief will also have to wait for another day.

''The worst thing to do at this point is to throw more money at the problem," said Bush. ''Better to wait a few years and see where help is really needed. Then some future president can clean up the mess."

Asked how he intends to spend his remaining political capital, the president said that he would not be undertaking any major new initiatives in the next two years. ''Let's face it," said Bush. ''Anything I tried to do now would just need to be fixed up by some future president anyway. I think it's best for the nation if I just do nothing."

David Martin is author of the satiric collection ''My Friend 'W'."

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