Apr 15, 2009 00:36
Fascinating times recently.
Monday I witnessed a Duel of Quincy Assassins. Twas M. Webb (looking exactly as he did Freshman fall, except possibly brawnier) vs some other dude who was on Sean and Greg's team. It was quite impressive. Matt won, no contest, but there were athletic rolls and dosges on both sides. Was over too fast. I want to see what happens next week. Actually, I think I'll look up the quincy assassins forum and see what happened.
Lev assassins didn't go as planned. i got my target today: some quiet sophomore girl i never met. I didn't know how i could kill her. That night, after a successful 1118th meeting of Cambridge Entomological Club with a record turnout (for this year at least), i went to my room munching a matza sandwich and practicing my presentation, when i heard a knock on my door. Assuming it was my roomate who forgot his key (as he did yesterday) i went up. I saw a girl and thopugh "she looks like my target." She wasn't, but that's when it hit me that I had just opened the door without checking the peephole while playing assassins. "Hi," she said, and lunged. I dodged, but reflexively blocked, only to realize halfway through the motion that getting stabbed in the arm counts as death. I was out. Game over. Turns out the killer was Eva, who knew me and is friends with my roommates (as usual, I completely blanked on her identity). I was her second kill of the day: her first kill had me as her target, and i was trasfered to eva. Now Eva must deal with my target. good luck!
Oh well. At least I had a good moment in stats class yesterday. The guest speaker posed a question: what do the cast of Seinfeld minus Jerry, a wooly mammoth, and a statistical epidemiological model with a lot of variables have in common. I thought about it for 2 seconds. Then it hit me and I raised my hand. "They didn't succeed." I couldn't have guessed what his point was about the stats model, but i knew what mammoths were and i knew what the Seinfeld Curse was thanks to a random wikipedia search: only Jerry remained successful after the show. The speaker was going for the idea that all 3 did well in their original environments, but when the environment changes they aren't so good. The professor laughed at my response: with me, not at me. It's good to make a professor laugh. Should make up for my last problem set.
Meanwhile, have neglected gym to watch Red Alert 3: Uprising gameplay videos on Youtube. Productivity fail, Senioritis win.
I am using "Fail" way too often. Hopefully i'll grow out of it soon.