Confuzzled 2015 and pictures

May 29, 2015 21:58

Returned from a brittish convention Confuzzled held in Birbingham with a flue. Convention itself went smoothly and met a few new friends from far and closeby. Con staff kept everything going very well, same can't be said for the hotel maintenance as everything seemed to either come up with a problem or was already broken.
This time around i was concentrating more on photographing and making a video of the convention, though i was out as Charly the house cat a few times during the week.
The fursuit parade was held indoors due to rather annoying small drips outside, whole week was otherwise nice weather, just happened to drizzled a bit for the one moment it shouldn't have. Managed to get a good spot after carefull lookout of the route.
This was my 4th Confuzzled, for next year, i'm not sure yet.

Here are some selected pictures. Enjoy!

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