[Trans] Koi no Karasawagi Guest: Sakamoto

May 04, 2008 17:32

Overview: Sanma-san's Koi no karasawagi is a talk show where girl's ranging from 18-29 come and talk about their love life based on that days topic.

I'm not going to translate everything they say only parts relating to Sakamoto.

First Sanma-san introduces three new girls.

Starting from: 3:40

Sanama-san - Today's guest is good, it is Sakamoto Masayuki-san!
(He comes walking down, applause get's louder)
Sanma-san - Ooh they don't know by just Sakamoto Masayuki. Was it better to say the group name first?
Sakamoto - Yes because they were like "I didn't know who it was"
Sanma san - Oh sorry, I thought they  would get surprised by just Sakamoto Masayuki.
The Girls - I didn't know.
One Girl: If you said V6's
Sanma san - Oh so if I had said V6's Sakamoto then it would be faster?
Sakamoto - Eh you guys don't know by just Sakamoto Masayuki?
Sanma san - No one can say all of Arashi's members full names right? How about you Yume can you say them?
Yume - Like MatsuJun?
Sanma san - MatsuJun? That's not the full name!

Today's theme is: I should not have gone, a goukon regret. goukon is where a number of girls and a number of guys come and meet and talk through dinner. Usually done with people who don't have girlfriends or boyfriends.

Sanma san - You don't go to goukon do you?
Sakamoto - Goukon? I haven't been to one.
Sanma san - Okay first we have: [Got laughed at and that was it.] This one has to be Yume.
Yume - That's not me!
Sanmasan - Who is this? You'll definitely get laughed at.
Yuka - Even though it was a goukon where I got all excited for, no one asked for my number or e-mail. Everyone was moving there seats and exchanging numbers but I got ignored. They kept saying things like "you're drinking too much" "no you smoke too much!" and I got laughed at.
Sanma san - Whispering things like "hey is that girl Tanaka Makiko san?
Yuka - Yeah but I guess that they thought that was too mean when for me I rather have them say it to me.
Sanma- So they thought that was too mean.
Yuka - Yes and in the end he said let me borrow your cell phone charger.
Summarize: Sanma says she's not the type that succeeds in goukon. He tells the girl in front that she would because of her breasts. Sanma asks Yume if she ever been to goukon and she says she hasn't. Sanma then says it's because she's too stupid. Sanma asks if anyone went out with a guy from a goukon and he chooses the girl in the blue. He calls her chururi (frills on her shirt) and says it's like after a concert singing "mata au hi made". She says she's been going out with him for a month.
Sanma - You should go try it, well I guess it'd be too kyakya because your popular but it would be good if you tried.
Sakamoto - Eh, I can't talk to someone I meet for the first time.
Yume - So cute.
Sanma - Is that cute?
Yume - It's cute.
Sanma - Why do you talk like your superior!?

Sanma - So you got laughed at and it ended, that's sad.
Yuka - It's the worst.
Sakamoto - It's my first time here so for a moment I thought "where is this voice coming from?" (apparently Yuka's voice is really weird)
Yuka - Hey!
Sakamoto - Sorry really.
Yuka - It's okay
Sanma - What kind of harmonizer are you using mic maintainer
Sanma - You have a BF right now though right?
Yuka - yes
Sanma - Where did you meet?
Yuka - My friend introduced us and he said my voice was cute.
Sanma - Where is this voice coming from?
Yuka - So mean! You're  worst!

Sanma - Next we have: (Something about getting picked.)
Summary - She went with her friends to a 5 guys 5 girls thing but then later the guys called more girls and it became 5 guys 20 girls. Later when they went to a different place 2it became 5 to 5 again and she said she was one of the five. Sanma says that's why she's bringing it up because she wants to brag. She says that isn't true and the place they arrived at was a kyabakura kind of place. A place where there are alot of girls. Yume then says the guys are conceited but Sanma says that the guys aren't. Sanma says that she probably wasn't good enough for the guys, but she says that's not true. Sanma then says that it is true because guys who aren't wouldn't pick that kind of place.
Sakamoto - What kind of state/condition is it (at the goukon)?
Sanma - They can pick whomever they want.
Girl - The girls try hard to please the guys. Saying things like "that's great!" She left seeing everyone having fun.
Sanma - They were probably glad you went home. Isn't this kind of goukon embarrassing?
Sakamoto - Like "finally she left"
Sanma - It's amazing how you can tell such a story.

Summary - The next one was about a guy who looked like a comedian (who is ugly I guess). She and her friends sisn't want to hurt his feelings so they didn't say anything but he started saying that he was that comedian so they asked him to do some gagas but it ended up he was bad at it. He got affended after awhile because they went over board with the gags. He went home. Then Sanma goes around asking who they think they resemble. Then the next topic is about her and a baseball guy who is a second string player. She didn't know he was second string so when she found out everything changed. She looked at him. She says she went on a gouko with first string players and they are more better in terms of body. Sanma asks the girl in the back, because she looked like she was envious, what she thought.
Girl - That's so amazing. They have big build bodies.
Sanma - you like built guys?
Girl - Yes I want toget hugged by them.
Sanma - You want to get hugged by a built guy?
Girl - ne~ (to Sakamoto) If it's okay with you.
Sanma - He's not big.
Girl - It's okay, alot of the Johnny's guys work out right?
Sakamoto - ahh... the young people.
Sanma - Maminsei you probably don't know any baseball player do you?
Maminsei - I think Johnny's are better than baseball players.
Sanma - Well since Sakamoto is here who would you want him to introduce you to?
Maminsei - I used to like Kanjani.
Sakamoto - Used to?
Sanma - Even though Kanjani are still new. Then who do you like now?
Maminsei - The people who dance behind Kanjani.
Sakamoto - Jr.?
Sanma - Kanjani's back, they don't even have a group name yet.
Maminsei - They do, they recently got it. Like Ossan and Bad Boys.
Sakamoto & Sanma - OSSAN!?
Sanma - I'm asking you! Why are you asking me!? How would I know?!
Sakamoto - There is?
Sanma - So there's a group named Ossan.
Sakamoto - Ossan's First Concert wow, I wonder how that is.
Sanma - nananana Ossan that's what they are going to say right? nananana Ossan.
Who likes Baseball players?
Yuka - I like Tanaka Masahiro. Ma-kun ma-kun
Girl - Baseball players they don't get paid as much as they grow older.
Sanma - Yeah but they get paid alot before that. Like Matsutaka he get's paid 61 million.
Girls - Ehhh
Sanma - 61 mil is a fact. No matter how much I talk or how much he sings we can't  make that much. Right?
Sakamoto - That's impossible.
Yume - Ehh San-chan you can't?!
Sanma - Sorry but it's impossible.

Who knows a famous person?
Yume - Tamaki Hiroshi!
Sanma - You know him?!
Yume - I love him!
Sanma - I didn't ask that. I asked if you knew anyone famous.
Yume - I just like him.
Sanma - I didn't ask that!
Girl - Yama-P
Sanma - Ehhh! how do you know him?
Girl - We're like childhood friends. He lived in the same area.
Yume - Let's  over there and hang out later.
Girl - Really?!
Sanma - You're Tamaki right?
He then talks about how he knows another Tamaki.
Next the girl she was kind of used at the goukon she went to even though she had the prettiest face the others girls were young. The guys kept asking her to check if the food was coming and to press the button and things like that. She said she got really mad so she left without paying. Sanma asks if it was a sp payment and she says she doesn't know but she was suppose to pay 50 dolllars. Sanma says it was probably just her who had to pay. Next the girl went to a goukon with famous comedians and the girls could choose who the wanted to be with and so she picked a person. That guy was already married so he kept talking on the phone. The only guy that was left was a 60 something year old guy. He ask her what she was into and she said the wii. Even though he was the one that didn't know what it was he got mad and told her his granddaughter was better than her. She didn't say who it was but Sanma since he is a comedian himself wanted to know who this guy was and it was Medaka Shichou.

Sanma - This is a surprise, these things are going to be said about you (if you go and do gougons)
Sakamoto - It's scary
Sanma - Well it's okay because you don't go to Goukons, but your ex-girlfriends are probably saying stuff like I was like this with Sakamoto-kun.
Sakamoto - The girl that I dated for the first time, she came on this show on nippon tv.
Sanma - The ones where your first love comes onto.
Sakamoto - And she talked about everything. Even how I used to do koukannikki (trading a journal with your girlfriend/boyfriend writing what you did that day or what you want to say)
Yume - Kawaii
Sakamoto - And she brang that journal to the studio. I don't remember what I did after that.
Sanma - That's embarrassing.
Sakamoto - yes it was.
Sanma - We should not have written letters back then. In our generation it was the letters. Well yours is probably email through cellphones.
Sakamoto - I don't really like e-mailing
Sanma - It's fun huh?
Yuka - I do it all day from the good morning to good night.
Sanma - Are you a lion!?

How was it?
Sakamoto - It's amazing. It's my first time hearing such a girl that way younger than you call you San-chan. I learned alot.
Sanma - It's only her though.

Okay Sakamoto-kun, wait I mean this is a group thing?
Sakamoto - Yes, a new single is coming out on the 23rd of May, Jasmin and Rainbow.
Yume - Jasmin's good.
Sanma - What?!
Yume - I thought Jasmin was good.
Sanma - how do you know?
Yume - Because it's Jasmin.
Sanma - So on the 23rd jasmin is going to be on sale.
Sakamoto - Yes, Both songs are main.
Sanma - Sorry.
Sakamoto - Sorry.

translations, koi no karasawagi, sakamoto, v6

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