New zines in the Click Clack Distro catalog - Some of the new zines in the Click Clack catalog: No More Coffee #1 & #2, Toothworm #4, Your Pretty Face is Going Straight to Hell #2, #4, #5, #7 & #8, Learning Good Consent, Mental Potential & Sweet Emotions, Sick, When Language Runs Dry #1 & The Worst
Asylum #1/High On Burning Photographs #5xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
This is a great split zine done between Matt and Ocean. This is a unique split due to the fact that Matt is currently incarcerated having met Ocean via a prisoner book program. He had written a delightful letter to the program which Ocean enjoyed so much that they became pals and thus a split zine ensued. Matt writes of a sick cellmate and how he basically became his caretaker, how he created a home in Folsom Prison, and his lack of parole plans. Ocean shares an amazing story of helping her employer attempt to recreate a Jackson Pollock painting, how she broke into her queer identity, and homesickness for NYC. Both zinesters share some books they have read recently as well.
Cipher #1
I love how this little pocket sized zine contains just about everything. It’s really amazing what Chris fit into her first issue of Cipher. Perzine plus recipes plus Harry Potter plus language; it’s all packed in this zine. Chris writes a “postmodern herbal” listing all of her favorite things and hobbies and what their healing properties are. I really loved the section she wrote about corduroy (yes, the fabric) and its linguistic origin. The zine wraps up with a critique on the lack of female presence in the Harry Potter series and how Chris is delving into the fan fiction of HP.
Doctrinal Expletives #5
This quarter-sized perzine by Helen in xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Maine is excellent. Doctrinal Expletives manages to pack so much variety into a zine without losing the reader. The first section deals with Helen’s experience in getting an IUD as her method of birth control. We then get to meet the nerdy side of Helen as she explains her favorite heavy metal films, her love of history, and some badass females of the ancient world. This definitely got me excited to learn more about some of the awesome ladies who have made an impact on our world. Doctrinal Expletives #5 closes with a piece on friends & family in which she makes great points of communal living and pressure to bond further than she is comfortable. Very insightful.
Don’t Be a Dick
This is a zine about stopping sexual violence and how men can play their part. Although, geared towards the hetero cis-gendered male, I think many different people can still learn from this zine. Paul, who authored this zine, writes about “rape culture”, consent, pornography, and lists many great resources. I like how Paul speaks of the messages men get from society about intimacy with a woman and how he is working to reject them. Whereas I do not completely agree with the opinions about pornography objectifying women, I do see where he is coming from. Certainly there is pornography out there that does, but there is also more than just that type of erotic film out there. I still think this is a good read and resource for all.
Hello Alabama: A One Shot Disaster
Courtney of Muse zine moved from North Carolina to Alabama in order to attend grad school. This typewritten zine lays out the heartache she has experienced since her move. Being that her partner is from Alabama, she felt prepared in relocating since he would be with her. Culture shock set in quickly as Courtney realized that in her new town people would assume that she automatically shared the same values, attended church, and would be receptive to racist comments because she is white. Even a guest speaker shows how racism plays a part in this deep part of the south when Courtney learns he is from a nearby library system called, “Uncle Remus.” The other thing that weighs on Courtney is having to stifle her pro-choice politics because of anti-choice terrorism that runs rampant in parts of Alabama. She also touches on greenwashing and recycling in this one shot zine. And to not have the zine finish on a bad note, there is a “cheer up” list at the end.
How To Guide on Starting a DIY Events Calendar
This is a great little guide on how to keep a calendar in your city or town for upcoming events. It begins by showing you how to start the calendar including where to find the events and how to put them down on paper. Images of some of the calendars from Pittsburgh & Ohio are included to give an idea of how this calendar/flyer can look. There are also tips on how to keep the project in action and how to distribute your completed calendars.
New To Everything #8
A great personal zine from Pittsburgh by a woman named Leanne. New To Everything #8 contains quaint stories of memories and observations. She starts off with breaking her fear of motorcycles ending up with her very own motorcycle license. Then, there is Leanne’s love of Doo Wop music and the Sunday nite radio show which brought it to her. Tarot readings and a quarter life crisis follow. The writing in New To Everything is quick and detailed like good photographs.