(no subject)

Feb 19, 2005 13:03

okay here's the scoop:

whoever commented on my LJ annonomously which i took off yesterday.. thank you.. but i would appreciate it if you kept that to yourself and let me and the person work it out in our own time... it's between us and i dont want anything getting around to him unless it is straight from my mouth

update on my life:

a shit load has happened this semester... i met some really cool new friends who i like alot... they're all cheerleaders here.. maybe that's why i get along with them so well.. they're just like my friends from home which kicks ass but in a way makes me miss them more than i already do..but i guess that that is alright..

my origonal crew here at bradley are making me love them even more each day... last night we got drunk and i called someone.. which was funny but i wish i could remember what he said otherthan stone country or getting stoned in the country im not sure.. quite amusing.. but then unfortunatley the night had a turn for the worst and everyone ended up like sobbing in their rooms for all different reasons.. roommate problems.. man issues.. you know the usual drama with girls.. but it ended up being kinda nice becuase we all kissed and made up and were happier because of it I guess you could say... i realised how much i like them.. they're a good bunch of girls.. and even though i have my doubts about which college i chose and everything.. i think i've fianlly decided that i have made the right chioce.. my friends are good people with good hearts...

the only thing that is wierd... is the call last night... monday morning might be a little bit wierd... i hope that didn't do any harm.. i hope he thinks it's funny.. i dont know how he couldn't

maybe things will make sence soon.. but im only 19 and i just wanna run free and expereince everything that i've been missing out on... i finally feel like im not a kid any more.. that i'm growing up.. and i want to make my own decisions and own mistakes.. thats right I WANT to make mistakes..lots of them.. i feel like i've been sheltered my whole life and all my decisions made for me.. and when i came here.. i sat in my room and continued not to make any decisions.. it's my turn to make a decision.. it may be rash.. it may be sudden... i dont know.. im still not sure.. i just dont want to suffocate any more..

P.S. thanks to rach and all my gals for helping me through last night... :) god love ya
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