Nov 12, 2003 22:48
Well, life has been better...i mean life is great, but still, i guess all i can say is shit happens. i am so happy that i finally have a journal on here...thanks nicole. today was cleaning day...alicia and i had "roommate bonding day!" It was fun. I need a night away...or just a night out with alicia. BUSTED! hehehe...anyways...i love randy to death...i just need to watch what i say to him. i mean i will never hide anything from him because i love him so much, but from what he tells me in confidence...i need to not throw back into his face...i feel like shit now...i mean he says i have a right to be mad, but i know i don't have the right to throw it into his face. i hurt him so bad and that is the last thing i would ever want to do...i just feel so bad. i love him so much. i don't know what to do seems like whatever i do or say puts me in the shit-hole and i'm just getting tired of it. nothing i do either turns out right or is the right thing. i try to do what makes me happy, but it always seems to end up hurting more people if anything. i dunno...i guess all i can think right now is that life will always go on no matter what...i know that that probably isn't always the best way to look at things, but i don't know how else to look at it...any advice? anyways...i will probably update this thing at around 4/4:30 am. but my pillow is screaming my name, so i will chat at ya'll lata.