So apparently, it's racist when Hillary points out that the not inconsequential numbers of white folks in this country prefer her, but when
Obama calls a reporter "sweetie," it's the media trying to tarnish his name and divert attention from "real issues."
I dunno, the fact that Obama is sexist and dismissive--when he knew he was being watched--seems like a real issue. Lord knows what he does when he thinks nobody's looking. And yet, to read the comments on that story, the CNN readership seems to think it's not a big deal.
So would it be racist if someone else said, "Hold on, boy," to Obama? And how is that different than sweetie? Why is it okay to dismiss someone because of their gender but not because of their race? Perhaps the most disgusting part of this is the apology he offered didn't acknowledge the sexism of the statement. It's not clear he even knows why he apologized.
This isn't even really about the election; I want to know why a member of congress would use that. Habit was his defense. Habit? Is it supposed to be comforting he has a habit of sexism? Am I supposed to feel better about that?
And no, he's far from the first person in congress to be a sexist or a bigot. Obviously, very far. My own rep, Jim Moran, is an anti-Semite I vote against every election, but the idiots in this district just vote by the party and not by the candidate.
Well, I'm not that kind of idiot. If the Democrats give me Obama, it's McCain '08 for me. And I don't even have guns or religion to cling to. Just common sense.