Nov 03, 2004 00:07
I write this on a night of losses...
Tonight marked the last time I will ever play competitive soccer, or I should say be a part of a team which competes in a league....the last time ever. And I spent it freezing cold, sitting on a cold metal bench watch my academic peers and teammates lose to a worse team. I felt it so hard to find any emotional attachment to tonights game, but thats because I have felt removed from the team for a long time. I just found it to be a pretty shitty way to end my senior year soccer season, a sport I have played since before I can remember. I stcuk with it, I did my best to be a member of a team, something greater than myself, despite feeling like a foreigner. I did not quit, as much as I wanted to, and I didnt complain, not even once, about sitting it out. I can't let things like that bother me, I'm just cant get that worked up over sports, something that will end, like soccer did for me tonight, but I dont like having my time wasted. And sometimes, that it what it has felt like.
In other news, I don't think Kerry/Edwards are doing too hot. I will hold a hope for tomoro (or later today, as I should say), as I will for Oregon Ballot Measure 36. I cannot vote, and very much wish I could. Whatever the outcome, the greatest difference I can make now is in four years--let's hope I make good use of that time. I think now with soccer I will find myself much more relaxed, but right now thats not the case, where all I'd like is to lose myself, if even just for a moment, and forget things and start anew. Hopefully this weekend will provide some relief...