Wow. Been away for awhile. I went
Go Kart Racing last night with a bunch of friends from school and my arms are killing me. We only drove for 20 minutes but it fucking worked my ass. And by ass I mean my arms. My literal ass was fine. It was so fun. We drove the
Yokohama course and I came in third. With three laps to go Jay sent me into the tires to pass because the cheating bastard couldn't do it cleanly. The only penalty he received was someone flashing a "NO CONTACT" sign at him. I know...the bottom line is that he got around me and that's why they call it racing. If I learned anything from Days of Thunder, it's that you're gonna trade paint so get used to it and that Top Gun on the ground is not nearly as entertaining.
The one thing that I've been doing pretty regularly this summer, besides the obvious, has been going to shows. A couple of weeks ago I went to see The Plus Ones at The Bottom of the Hill and they were opening for the Caesars. Well, I had no idea who the Caesars were but when I got to the club, their poster let me know that I had heard them on TV: "As heard on the iPod Shuffle commercial." Of course at that point, I knew exactly who they were and found it so funny that bands are now getting their break in commercials. Hypocritically, I was very tickled to hear Imperial Teen's Ivanka in an Audi commercial because I *heart* them.
I saw Built to Spill on Thursday at Slim's. So effing good. Have they done a commercial yet? I think that they could get me to buy a new car or a new laptop. For sure a carbonated beverage.