
Jul 16, 2015 15:06


What Color Best Describes You?

Your favorite fruit is either apples or strawberries.
Roses are your favorite flower.
You have red hair.
Your favorite candy are cinnamon hearts.
You can handle the sight of blood well.
You tend to be hot tempered.
Your favorite element is fire.
Total: 2.5.

Your favorite fruit are blueberries.
You love pools, lakes and/or oceans.
You have blue eyes.
You tend to be sad a lot of the time.
Your favorite bird is the blue jay.
You wear lots of blue clothing.
Your favorite element is water.
Total: 3.

You love the smell of fresh cut grass.
You prefer summer to winter.
You have green eyes.
You're concerned about the environment.
Your favorite animals are frogs.
You eat lots of vegetables.
Your favorite element is earth.
Total: 5.

You love the sun.
You tend to be happy most of the time.
You have blonde hair.
You prefer gold to silver.
You eat popcorn when you’re at the movies.
Bananas are your favorite fruit.
Your favorite dogs are golden retrievers.
Total: 2.

You're a girly girl.
Your favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day.
Your favorite bird is the flamingo.
Your favorite shape is a heart.
You love pink peppermints.
Your cell phone is pink.
You can see at least two pink things from where you’re sitting.
Total: 1.

Your favorite flower is the white rose.
Your favorite scent is vanilla.
You prefer winter to summer.
Most of the appliances in your kitchen are white.
You are pale.
Swans are your favorite bird.
You brush your teeth four times a day.
Total: 3.5.

Most of your clothes are black.
You prefer nighttime to daytime.
You have black hair.
You love black licorice.
Your favorite holiday is Halloween.
Your computer is black.
Your favorite fruit are blackberries.
Total: 4.

survey, color survey, theme survey, bolding survey

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