Because I can't seem to shut up about it, I decided to go ahead an post my review of the concert back on March 7th. Instead of typing the whole thing out again though, I am going to steal from my own blog.
Saturday night, I went to work all kinds of excited because I would be seeing 100 Monkeys the next day. Late into my shift I discovered that they would be doing an in store performance & autograph signing at 1pm at Vintage Vinyl. Happiness overload? You bet. So after work I went home to try to sleep. I almost got in a 2 hour nap, but kept waking up cause I thought I'd end up sleeping and miss the in store thing. So finally I got up, took a shower (as to not be all funky smelling), then headed down there. I did not hit a single stop light the entire time until I got to Delmar. Can't fucking believe it. That never happens. Anyway, I got in there and found a spot to stand just as the band was coming out to the stage.
I don't remember how many songs they did, but I got video of 'Keep Awake', and a partial video of 'The Monkey Song'. After the mini concert, they went in the back to do an interview. I went up front and bought their cd "Grape" and then got in line. While I was waiting, I talked to Marty (the band's bananager *hehe*). He said that day was going to be a long one because he only had 4 hours of sleep. I told him I had only 2 hours. He said "alright!" and high-fived me. Lol. Finally, I got up to the guys. Jerad was first. He asked me my name and that's when I found out it's the same as his wife's. Awesome. Next up was Jackson. I told him I like his hat. He said "Well thank you. My hat thanks you," and he tipped his hat. So fucking cute. Then came Ben J. and Ben G. They were both nice as well. Ben J. was playing with one of those mini slinkies. It made him happy that he got it to work. Haha. Heart him. After I met them, I went behind the records where a few other girls were so I could take some pics. We weren't allowed to take pics when we were in line to meet them.
My brother dropped me off right when the doors opened. I can't read directions and drive at the same time, so he was nice enough to do that for me. Once inside, I found a place to stand again. The opening band was Tin Tin Can. They rocked and I might actually buy one of their cds. There was a little bit of a break when they finished. Then 100 Monkeys took the stage. I got a small video of Marty talking to the crowd & calling Jackson inside. Jackson had his picture taken with the audience and talked about how he had been taking pictures with the rest of the guys all day. At the end of every show they auction off a disposable camera which has a bunch of pictures taken of the band (and other stuff) by the band.
I can never remember all songs or the order they were sung, so I'm gonna list the ones I do remember: "Keep Awake", "Looker", "Reaper", "Wings On Fire", "The Monkey Song", "Orson Brawl", "Clippity Clop", "Junkie", "Poison Oak". (To the girl who got the set list, if you could let me know the real order & other songs I missed, I'd be ever so grateful!) The improv song of the night they named "Best Friends". I so wish they would have recorded that and made it an actual song. Omg. Freaking looooved it! I hope someone video'd it and put it on youtube. Gotta check that out.
During the little breaks between songs they told us all some jokes. Jackson told 2, but I don't remember how the first one went. I know it was about aliens and cars and how they taste funny or something. LOL. The other was what's brown and sticky? A stick. Lmfao. I heart him so much. The only other joke I remember was told by Jerad. What's the difference between medium and rare? Medium is 6 inches. Rare is 8 inches. Lol. Then he proceeded to say that Uncle Larry is very very rare. Hahaha. Towards the end of the show they took a break. It was only for about 5 minutes. They came back and jammed with Tin Tin Can for almost an hour. So fucking awesome.
After the concert, I went outside to wait for my brother. There was a small group of people waiting. At the in store thingy Ben G. said that they would take pics with everyone after the concert if they had time. So we waited outside. Eventually Ben G. came to help pack up the instruments and stuff. A little while later the rest of them came out (except Ben J. who left early cause he wasn't feeling good, poor guy). They were all getting their van packed up so they were busy. Jerad said he could do one pic really quick so I got to get one with him. Yay! Then when Jackson came out, the group of us swarmed around him. Haha.
I asked him for a pic & he said 'sure sweetheart'. *melt* I thanked him and shook his hand. He has a very firm grip! Holy crap. Lol. Not that I'm complaining. His hand was so warm, which was nice cause mine was freezing. (It was so cold and windy that night. Brrrr.) Then it was the next girl's turn. She hugged him and I was jealous so I stuck around. When she was done talking to him, he turned to me. I asked him for a quick hug. He said 'sure, no problem!' and gave me a very nice warm hug. *sigh* After he let me go, I was walking away and he told me to drive safe. I turned around at the sound of his voice and stumbled off the curb of the sidewalk. I'm not sure if he saw that or not. Lmfao. Oh and also, Marty was backing the van down the street we were on so that the guys could load it up. He backed the trailer up on the sidewalk by accident and almost hit me. LOL. Good times.
Best. Night. Ever.
Somebody's foot is sticking out right at the spot where I met the guys that night after the show. And where I was standing when Marty almost hit me (and another girl). Lmao. ♥ Marty.