Sep 25, 2003 23:03
words are my birds, dropping turds on nerds.
this is everything i've heard.
why don't many people vote? it seems like the oddest things. go here, stand in a line, say your piece and go about your day. people stand in lnes for all sorts of things, you'd think that voting would be no sweat. yet so many don't this boogles my mind. it's so simple to, yet so many people can't or won't do it. the foundation of my society involves voting.
or does it? hell the electroal college is where the actual voting takes place. the founding dads weren't too keen on letting people actually have the power to decide things. not complete power. was this a wise decision? i don' tknow. it seems to me that the problem is a matter of trust or the lack of it across classes. or the difference in perspective of the classes. and what are the classes? the founding fathers were generally educated and well to do men. the common man was probably not as educated and certainly not as wealthy. the poor just was to live and the powerful want to remain in power? is that accurate? if so, has that changed over the past 200 years? if so how?
much is often made of the racial differences in ameria, but not much is usually said about the class differences. and those are probably the source of the major problems. hell the slaves were brought over as a cheap source of labor.
it's been said that one of the beauties of the ameria system of government is that it keeps the powerful in power, by giving just enough bones to the middle class/poor to keep them happy.
a friend recently remarked that huge response to the do not call list is silly because it's a small issue, yet it makes people feel important. this thought comes back to me when i think about things. "yeah, we got those damn telemarketers to stop by making a phone call. yeah, i've done my part." is that the thought process some peole are having?
Question, questions. no answers, at least nothing definitive. what i do know is that i vote and I wish more people would vote.