(no subject)

Oct 17, 2005 13:10

I woke up this morning smelling like a blunt roach. This weekend was so fucking fake. It could have been a dream. Saturday I went to this lame party and got left there which is what I sort of wanted, im a bird I gotta fly solo you know. So this party, fucking cody is there. Since when are we like arch enemies? I dont even know what up with that shit. DAMAGED FUCKING GOODS. I really couldnt have cared less because you know people, even though they are fake, love me. So Claire mingles and doesnt get drunk thank god and then posts up in the back yard where all the weed is being smoked. I am like a fly on shit when it comes to weed. HAH they were bumpin Afroman which was hard so I allowed to sliding glass door to be agar enough so i could sing along. Kyle Kolb, fucking fag was starting shit with everyone claiming on Latin Kings. Fuck that fool ruined some good moments. Oh yeah and Cody is sitting inside, infront of the window, infront of me, i dont even know maybe im just crazy but hes an idiot. Alright so bitches are puking everywhere and everyones pot is getting smoked the fuck up by Claire and then Ryan started to kick everyone out... except me leaving me with half of someone elses blunt. I was so high and everyone was like FIND BILLY. BETH CALLED ME AND TOLD ME TO MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE THIS PLACE WITH BILLY. So that was my cue and as I'm walking out I see my friend. And I hug her say whatevers and she is like, OMG IS DYLAN HERE. And im like OMG YEAH, I WAS KICKING IT WITH HIM OUTSIDE. so then shes like, OMG WHERE IS HE and im looking around and I point him out to her. Him and I make eye contact and he motions me over there. I felt like shit because I knew this girl was inlove with him but hes the homie so I told her i'll be back and went and sat down. He told me to FIND BILLY and i started laughing and he was on the phone with my friend he is hooking up with, which made me feel bad for my other friend spying on him. I felt really uncomfortable. So then him and I leave with billy and this guy to billys. Beth eventually came to rescue me after way to many bong rips, mind you here at my moms i smoke a bowl maybe a day. Then we went to smoke a blunt with her brother and I dont remember getting him. Now its like 2:30 and im being woken up. All i can here is num num and i turn and look over at the two bowls and a dish by my face. I reach for the little ritz crackers and cream cheese sandwiches and start dipping them in this sauce. Beth yells at me and tells me thats not good it wont taste good but it tasted fucking bomb to me. I'm half asleep eating these things when finally Beth is like DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU THAT IS. Of course since i didnt know i said no, and continued eating it and then she was like CARMEL FOR THE FUCKING APPLES IN THAT OTHER BOWL YOU FUCKING POT HEAD. Then it really did start to taste like carmel and cream cheese and crackers. I still ate it. Fuck then next day went to church and afterwards spent the day getting high. Roar. People are so nice to you when they see you but dont even give a fuck to call. It's time to get my life working. Its not about finding myself anymore but creating myself. Time for a cigarette.
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