Mar 21, 2006 02:06
I swear on all that is holy (my cute shoes and lots o'jackets) that if i can just make it through this week, I'll be the happiest (and most sleep-deprived) girl ever!!
You can tell that I'm in finals week because I'm posting on livejournal. Which means I'm bored. Which means I'm SUPPOSED be writing my essay. Which means it's way too late for my brain to be functioning. Which, in turn, means that I'm writing a paper without any coherent thoughts (or real thesis for that matter). Which means I'm completely and utterly screwed. With that said.... Does anyone wanna hire me once I graduate? :)
In all academic honesty,
p.s. My money management skills have now degenerated into not so much "skills" as much as "recklessness". I had my love stash my credit card away from me while I hid outside in the living room. That should do the trick......for now.