my boobs are gettign bigger
wasnt that supposed to stop like... awhile back?
either way, theyve hrut like hell for liek 2 months and now none of my bras fit...
the only problem is, i think its because i havent been working out so ive been gaining weight.. bc my boobs havent gotten so much bigger that the weight gain is bc of them
on another note
this summe,r i want to do this: just want to take a month off and go and sleep on the train
i would do it about 3 weeks after college gets out... whenevr that is exactly, the month of june i guess? if anyone wants to join me, bc whenever duval county school ends i'm going on a 2 week bike trip in the appalachians with my parents and billy and i think some family friends and people...
so peopel are welcome to join for any of those
but, yeah
if i dont do it this summer, i talekd ot eddie and he says he would do it next xmas break with me, since most breaks are usually 3-4 weeks logn anyway
and we coudl go to canada where he could dirnk and i would be 21
both ideas of which he lvoes haha
either way, tis probably somethign that woudl never pan out bc i woudlnt have anyone to go with me and despite the fact that i say i ahte people, i get super lonely really quickly
but maybe id do it by myself anyway, who knows
but, the 26th-1st i will be in new orleans, im taking my cousin laura and goign to stay with my other cousins so... yay!
the end