Jan 25, 2011 11:19
I am fine again, that was a very bad cold last week. Yesterday I skipped my oboelesson, what should I have played??? Instead I reorganized all the paperwork and stuff on my worktable, booked my flights to England and I am so happy to have found out I won't go broke this year! Counting all my money made me feel like Dagobert Duck although I am not rich... If I can find someone buying my oboe d'amore; I can put some money aside and also buy the very cool reedmaking machine, that will save a lot of my time and nerves for reedmaking (especially students reeds--- they eat them raw those filthy brats!)
The first round of the Jugend musiziert competition is coming up next weekend and I really hope my student will recieve a prize, he worked really hard for it and I put some sweat into his preperation (and reeds you can guess...)
Today some more teaching and reedmaking, tomorrow as well, on thursday I will start practising again. I still have that stupid cough and can't breathe properly.... :-(
I hope my new baroque oboe will be ready soon, I am on that waiting list for 18th months now...