We live in nature

Jul 27, 2009 07:14

There are some nights when it is warm when we leave our back door open to let the cool evening air be drawn into the house by a fan. Luckily, last night was not one of those nights. We had the door open late into the afternoon, but since the screen on the screen door is broken, the cats (and baby) have discovered that if it is open wider then 6 inches, they can escape. After one of the cats did make it out while there was still light, I automatically closed the door. Which will turn out later to be a very good decision. Somewhere around 10:30pm our orange cat is looking at the door, pawing it, and pacing. Jon asks where Cora was (curled up on her cat tower) and we both look out the glass. Jon says "what is that?!" I see a face looking back at us, and it's nose to nose with Purzy. She isn't puffed up, and the other animal is staring and pacing, bumping the glass. It wanted in. Because it was dark I couldn't tell exactly what kind of animal it was, or pick out any distinguishing features, other than poofy gray tail. It was either a coyote or a fox. It wasn't large dog sized, but was a bit bigger than the cats.
So of all nights, I am glad I chose to close the door early then. I don't even want to know what would have ensued had ti actually came in!

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