Dec 12, 2007 02:25
Life is a funny thing I sit here day by day just dealing with what has been thrown my way with the littlest effort possible. I think about what I want to do or what I want to eat and never plan for the future, I dont like it(the planning)sitting around laying out a path and following it because it takes the "fun" out of life. Im not saying what I do is smart or better but I feel like there is a shit load of stress that I dont deal with by carving my path day by day. I feel like im going to be happy in the future and without a path to fall off of I am always on track.....anyway that has nothing with what I really want to post about....
Life is funny when you try so hard to get something it has a way of evading you until you dont want to pursue it anymore then it dangles back in your reach to get you to chase again. Like girls the girl I liked was leading me on then I stopped caring so she would say things like hey handsome or lover and get me thinking again. Unfortunatly for her it back fired becasue I figured out I dont like her anymore because she dosent live near me and I just dont like her. The girl I think I like currently is from brook park but goes to school elsewhere, I dunno what to say because she is cool but I dont see myself having a chance with her even though she is single and we usually have great conversations.....I have not known her for a long time but I will get to know her more over the summer and break hopefully. I dont feel like im getting anywhere with girls as of late I always end up in the friend zone.... Angela my boss told me I need to be a dick which is funny coming from a girl but there in lies the problem I dont like being a dick I mean I can be one but I dont know how to use it to my advantage usuallly I just do it ot make people realize how dumb they are. Its 235am and I have a final at 8am for macro-econ and i feel like im going to blow it, I have not slept good in a long time. I sleep alot during the day and stuff like I get long naps and everything but I have not had a satisfying sleep in a long time, The last time was when I was cuddling pillows just dont do it for me.....
Thats my little piece of mind.
Live for the day viva underdog.