Oke, I haven't written in a long time, but I have a ton to say. ^^
I just got back from camp a few days ago. It was good, I guess. I don't think I really enjoyed it as much as I have in the past, though. Nearing the end of the Martha's Vineyard trip, I was really wanting to go home. Maybe it was because of the stalker ladies, maybe it was because of all the fighting and just plain not getting along in the unit.
As I mentioned, there were two stalker ladies. The first kept taking Lauren's picture. She was all "You look like the smartest girl on Martha's Vineyard right now, may I have your picture?" Lauren: "Uh...sure..." Later, after we had lunch, Lauren, Red, Julie, and I were sitting on the beach having some Sprite, and the lady comes up to me and Lauren and says "Those parasols are beautiful, may I have a picture?" Lauren and I: "...I...guess..." It was the last we saw of her, but if you ever see me on a postcard, you'll know why.
The second stalker was a whole lot scarier. We were biking home from a day at the beach. We were about 3 miles from home, and a car started following us. We spoke to each other saying she should just pass us, because it was getting a little bit creepy. She stops the car next to me and asks me a few questions. I answered them, trying to make her leave us alone. I guess I got a bit rude here and there, but our conversation went something like this.
Creepy Old Lady: Who are you? Where are you from?
Me: We're a group from a camp in Vermont...
Creepy Old Lady: Where are you going?
Me: ...home.
Creepy Old Lady: No, where is that?
Me: ... ... ... home.
Creepy Old Lady: Where are your leaders?
Me: Back there a ways..
She keeps questioning me until Cow comes along. She's obviously confused and yells for us to keep going and not stop on hills. She and the old lady argue for a bit (Cow is totally on our side, saying we did exactly what we should have done when meeting a stranger that made us feel uncomfortable. The old lady said we should respect our elders and answer her questions). So finally Cow made her piss off, and we went home thinking that was the end of it.
So we get a phone call. It's her. How she got our number is beyond us, but she called and Anna, one of the Chenoa councilors picked up. It was really wierd..in the end she said we were from North Carolina and didn't have any bikes. Anna finally had to hang up on her, saying the stove was on fire or something, and then we called camp, who told us to call the Police, because she'd hitten a girl with her car (not bad..enough to give her a nice bruise, though). They couldn't do much, though, as they didn't have her licence plate number.
Then there was the huge fight between Jules and Devon vs. Boston. >.< That one really pissed me off.
In other news, it turns out that my dad's been drinking again..mum says it started with him sneaking drinks, and then to two drinks a night. I'm starting to get really worried, because sometimes at night he'll get really short with one of us, or simply black out in his chair. His brother's back in rehab for drinking, because he's also been sneaking, but he's in even worse state. A life or death state. Just so happens, it runs in the family. Great.
And then there's my little brother's 'friend', Nathan, who Colin tried to give 20 bucks to. 20! Because he found some of his Yugioh cards. He 'found' them at his house, and now he requires 20 dollars even though they weren't his? I mean, how thick is my little brother to not realize that? x.x
And now he's brought his friend Sam over. And he's trying to kick me off the computer. Asshole. He doesn't realize it's not his house, does he? grrr...
That's all for now...>.<