An Odd Melancholy

May 11, 2009 03:02

Spoiler: Weirdness ahead

Apart from the fact that most of my LJ friends are of the fairer sex (which i shall now proceed to blantantly disregard and otherwise ignore in the face of potential wrath) an odd event has evoked (more) weird associations.

Long story short its how mangakas can write/draw harem genres *coughakamatsucough*

So i was tagging along with my cousin (whos doing some visual arts course in NTU) one day with my sis and she was looking for paper (at some paper shop called The Paper Shop or something along those lines but you don't have to find this amusing) and then this dude with long hair left the shop when we were going in. For the next 10-15mins (or what seemed like half a Plutonian year) i basically owned all the Y-chromosomes in the shop (apart from random cells that other customers may have clawed from unfortunate males elsewhere with their fingernails).

Its like the reverse of the gf that gets brought to the soccer match or gaming weekend. Just quieter.
No wonder the artsy guys are like. If your surroundings had like 95% females and there was nothing better to think about no prizes for guessing what your next manga would be about right

rant over....

some cheesy (imo) quotes from someone that some may be able to identify

"there is no nobility in being better than someone else, only in being better than who you were yesterday"

there're a couple more but they're kinda cheesier and i wouldnt wanna write them here.

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