Mar 26, 2010 00:33
I looked over this very old set of exercises (violin finger technical exercises) that i was doing 10 years ago, and realised that it would be worth my looking over at this point in time (dont talk about paganini) considering that my basic finger positions are crap thanks to my not practising style (tm)
real FML scenario: Today i printed my entire frigging set of LSM notes which cost $8.28 and this girl (and subsequently another guy) was waiting for my super huge stack of notes to print out. FML.
Later i went (with the intention) to zap a few pages of exercises for my students, but eventually decided not to since i could get it printed on the spot. I think i walked past the same girl who was carrying a tennis/squash racket... lucky i never make her wait in proximity of said racket right or else really FML...
In other good news, my speaker driver has been restored to its former glory! i can now blast (classical) music! whee. More importantly i can record! Audacity here i comeeee
Another FML scenario: Brandenburg rehearsal: Power cord for the clavinova disappeared = super wtf... someone went to try to get the cable to extremely amusing results. even tried to get the cable from yamaha, then from carrefour, and tbh someone should be selling these cables conveniently. Ended up with no harpsichord and our harpsichordists played percussion keys today.
See the life of a musician so hard.... can we get more love? seriously? if so Apr 1st Brahms 1st symphony @ Esplanade Concert Hall, and Apr 18th Brandenburg 2,5,6 (im playing 2nd vla solo for 6 FML again) @ YST Concert Hall. I seriously dunno who else to advertise to alr sighh...