Writing hasn't yet turned into a chore, and I hope it never will. Exams come in a week and will last for the same amount of time. and apparently:
SiteMale-Female Ratio google.com0.98 youtube.com1 wikipedia.org1.08 facebook.com0.83 photobucket.com0.85 wunderground.com1.22 metacafe.com1.44 livejournal.com0.68 imageshack.us0.87 hotmail.com0.83 kotaku.com1.94 icanhascheezburger.com1.04 gmail.com0.9 tinyurl.com0.83 turnitin.com0.9
don't ask me about the kotaku visit though, it was a link from a joke thread =p
More Updates if/when my life becomes remotely interesting to talk about. Philatelic museum has some Jap doll exhibition. The new Bugis shopping centre has a chain of Jap food stalls. Suntec is being avoided due to the APEC nonsense thing.
Hopefully i'll gather enough courage to photograph random people for the Canon Street Photog competition. Hmm...